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307 Issue to Assignee [R-8] - 300 Ownership and Assignment

307 Issue to Assignee [R-8]

35 U.S.C. 152 Issue of patent to assignee.

Patents may be granted to the assignee of the inventor of record in the Patent and Trademark Office, upon the application made and the specification sworn to by the inventor, except as otherwise provided in this title.

37 CFR 3.81 Issue of patent to assignee.

(a) With payment of the issue fee: An application may issue in the name of the assignee consistent with the application's assignment where a request for such issuance is submitted with payment of the issue fee, provided the assignment has been previously recorded in the Office. If the assignment has not been previously recorded, the request must state that the document has been filed for recordation as set forth in § 3.11.

(b) After payment of the issue fee: Any request for issuance of an application in the name of the assignee submitted after the date of payment of the issue fee, and any request for a patent to be corrected to state the name of the assignee, must state that the assignment was submitted for recordation as set forth in § 3.11 before issuance of the patent, and must include a request for a certificate of correction under § 1.323 of this chapter (accompanied by the fee set forth in § 1.20(a)) and the processing fee set forth in § 1.17 (i) of this chapter.

(c) Partial assignees. (1) If one or more assignee, together with one or more inventor, holds the entire right, title, and interest in the application, the patent may issue in the names of the assignee and the inventor.

(2) If multiple assignees hold the entire right, title, and interest to the exclusion of all the inventors, the patent may issue in the names of the multiple assignees.

Normally, for a patent to issue to an assignee, a request for issuance of the application in the name of the assignee must be filed in the United States Patent and Trademark Office (Office) at a date not later than the day on which the issue fee is paid. Such a request must indicate that the assignment has been previously recorded in the Office. If the assignment has not been previously recorded in the Office, the request must state that the document has been filed for recordation as set forth in 37 CFR 3.11. See 37 CFR 3.81(a).

If a request for issuance to an assignee pursuant to 37 CFR 3.81(b) is submitted after the day on which the issue fee is paid, the request under 37 CFR 3.81(b) must include a request for a certificate of correction under 37 CFR 1.323 (accompanied by the fee set forth in 37 CFR 1.20(a)) and the processing fee set forth in 37 CFR 1.17(i). The request under 37 CFR 3.81(b) must state that the assignment was submitted for recordation as set forth in 37 CFR 3.11 before issuance of the patent. The Office will issue a certificate of correction to reflect that the patent issued to the assignee provided the requirements of 37 CFR 3.81(b) and 37 CFR 1.323 are complied with.

Only the first appearing name of an assignee will be printed on the patent where multiple names for the same party are identified on the Fee(s) Transmittal form, PTOL-85B. Such multiple names may occur when both a legal name and an "also known as" or "doing business as" name is also included. This printing practice will not, however, affect the existing practice of recording assignments with the Office in the Assignment Division. The assignee entry on form PTOL-85B should still be completed to indicate the assignment data as recorded in the Office. For example, the assignment filed in the Office and, therefore, the PTOL-85B assignee entry might read "Smith Company doing business as (d.b.a.) Jones Company." The assignee entry on the printed patent will read "Smith Company."

Irrespective of whether the assignee participates in the prosecution of the application, the patent issues to the assignee if so indicated on the Fee(s) Transmittal form PTOL-85B. Unless an assignee's name and address are identified in item 3 of the Fee(s) Transmittal form PTOL-85B, the patent will issue to the applicant. Assignment data printed on the patent will be based solely on the information so supplied. Assignment information printed on a patent is not updated after a patent is issued, and may not be reflective of the assignment recorded in the Office subsequent to the issuance of the patent. Detailed assignment information can be found by performing an assignment search on the USPTO Internet *>Web site< and by inspecting the recorded assignment documents.

A request for a certificate of correction under 37 CFR 1.323 (see MPEP § 1481 and § 1485) arising from incomplete or erroneous assignee's name furnished, or a missing assignee's name, in item 3 of PTOL-85B will not be granted unless a request under 37 CFR 3.81(b) has been granted and the assignment was submitted for recordation as set forth in 37 CFR 3.11 before the patent issued. Any such request under 37 CFR 3.81(b) should be directed to the Office of Petitions and should include:

(A) the processing fee required by 37 CFR 1.17(i);

(B) a request for issuance of the application in the name of the assignee, or a request that a patent be corrected to state the name of the assignee;

(C) a statement that the assignment was submitted for recordation as set forth in 37 CFR 3.11 before the issuance of the patent; and

(D) a request for a certificate of correction under 37 CFR 1.323 accompanied by the fee set forth in 37 CFR 1.20(a).

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