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Notice regarding Section 508 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998. Section 508 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 requires all United States Federal Agencies with websites to make them accessible to individuals with disabilities. At this time, the MPEP files below do not meet all standards for web accessibility. Until changes can be made to make them fully accessible to individuals with disabilities, the USPTO is providing access assistance via telephone. MPEP Interim Accessibility Contact: 571-272-8813.
405 *>Patent Practitioner< Not of Record [R-5] - 400 Representative of Inventor or Owner
405 *>Patent Practitioner< Not of Record [R-5]
Papers may be filed in patent applications and reexamination proceedings by registered attorneys or agents not of record under 37 CFR 1.34. Filing of such papers is considered to be a representation that the attorney or agent is authorized to act in a representative capacity on behalf of applicant. However, interviews with a registered attorney or agent not of record will ordinarily be conducted based only on the information and files supplied by the attorney or agent in view of 35 U.S.C. 122. Interviews may be conducted with a registered practitioner who does not have a copy of the application file, but has proper authority from the applicant or attorney or agent of record in the form of a paper on file in the application. See also MPEP § 713.05. Such a paper may be an "Authorization to Act in a Representative Capacity." **>Form/PTO/SB/84,< "Authorization to Act in a Representative Capacity" is available from the USPTO Internet web site at http://www.uspto.gov/web/forms/sb0084.pdf.
A change of correspondence address or a document granting access (i.e., a power to inspect) may only be signed by an attorney or agent who is not of record if an executed oath or declaration has not been filed in the application. See 37 CFR 1.33(a) (correspondence address) and 1.14(c)(4).
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