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707.08 Reviewing and Initialing by Assistant Examiner [R-3] - 700 Examination of Applications

707.08 Reviewing and Initialing by Assistant Examiner [R-3]

The full surname of the examiner who prepares the Office action will, in all cases, be typed at the end of the action. The telephone number below this should be called if the application is to be discussed or an interview arranged. Form paragraph 7.100, 7.101 or 7.102 should be used.

¶ 7.100 Name And Number of Examiner To Be Contacted

Any inquiry concerning this communication should be directed to [1] at telephone number [2].

Examiner Note

1. This form paragraph, form paragraph 7.101, or form paragraph 7.102 should be used at the conclusion of all actions.

2. In bracket 1, insert the name of the examiner designated to be contacted first regarding inquiries about the Office action. This could be either the non-signatory examiner preparing the action or the signatory examiner.

3. In bracket 2, insert the individual area code and phone number of the examiner to be contacted.


¶ 7.101 Telephone Inquiry Contacts- Non 5/4/9 Schedule

Any inquiry concerning this communication or earlier communications from the examiner should be directed to [1] whose telephone number is [2]. The examiner can normally be reached on [3] from [4] to [5].

If attempts to reach the examiner by telephone are unsuccessful, the examiner's supervisor, [6], can be reached on [7]. The fax phone number for the organization where this application or proceeding is assigned is 571-273-8300.

Information regarding the status of an application may be obtained from the Patent Application Information Retrieval (PAIR) system. Status information for published applications may be obtained from either Private PAIR or Public PAIR. Status information for unpublished applications is available through Private PAIR only. For more information about the PAIR system, see Should you have questions on access to the Private PAIR system, contact the Electronic Business Center (EBC) at 866-217-9197 (toll-free).

Examiner Note

1. In bracket 1, insert your name.

2. In bracket 2, insert your individual area code and phone number.

3. In bracket 3, insert the days that you work every week, e.g. "Monday-Thursday" for an examiner off every Friday.

4. In brackets 4 and 5, insert your normal duty hours, e.g. "6:30 AM - 5:00 PM."

5. In bracket 6, insert your SPE's name.

6. In bracket 7, insert your SPE's area code and phone number.

¶ 7.102 Telephone Inquiry Contacts- 5/4/9 Schedule

Any inquiry concerning this communication or earlier communications from the examiner should be directed to [1] whose telephone number is [2]. The examiner can normally be reached on [3] from [4] to [5]. The examiner can also be reached on alternate [6].

If attempts to reach the examiner by telephone are unsuccessful, the examiner's supervisor, [7], can be reached on [8]. The fax phone number for the organization where this application or proceeding is assigned is 571-273-8300.

Information regarding the status of an application may be obtained from the Patent Application Information Retrieval (PAIR) system. Status information for published applications may be obtained from either Private PAIR or Public PAIR. Status information for unpublished applications is available through Private PAIR only. For more information about the PAIR system, see Should you have questions on access to the Private PAIR system, contact the Electronic Business Center (EBC) at 866-217-9197 (toll-free).

Examiner Note

1. In bracket 1, insert your name.

2. In bracket 2, insert your individual area code and phone number.

3. In bracket 3, insert the days that you work every week, e.g. "Monday-Thursday" for an examiner off on alternate Fridays.

4. In brackets 4 and 5, insert your normal duty hours, e.g. "6:30 AM - 4:00 PM."

5. In bracket 6, insert the day in each pay-period that is your compressed day off, e.g. "Fridays" for an examiner on a 5/4/9 work schedule with the first Friday off.

6. In bracket 7, insert your SPE's name.

7. In bracket 8, insert your SPE's area code and phone number.


After the action is typed, the examiner who prepared the action reviews it for correctness. The surname or initials of the examiner who prepared the action and the date on which the action was typed should appear below the action. If this examiner does not have the authority to sign the action, he or she should initial above the typed name or initials, and forward the action to the authorized signatory examiner for signing.

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