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720.01 Preliminary Handling [R-3] - 700 Examination of Applications

720.01 Preliminary Handling [R-3]

A petition filed under 37 CFR 1.292 should be forwarded to the Office of Patent Legal Administration (OPLA) of the Office of the Deputy Commissioner for Patent Examination Policy. A member of the OPLA staff will ascertain whether the formal requirements of 37 CFR 1.292 have been fulfilled. In particular, the petition will be reviewed to see whether the petition has been filed prior to the earliest of the date the application was published or the mailing of a notice of allowance under 37 CFR 1.311, if the alleged use or sale occurred in this country more than 1 year before the effective filing date of the application, whether the petition contains affidavits or declarations and exhibits to establish the facts alleged, whether the papers have been filed in duplicate, or one copy has been served on applicant and whether the required fee has been tendered. The application file is ordered and its status ascertained so that appropriate action may be taken.

A petition under 37 CFR 1.292 must be "submitted prior to the date the application was published or the mailing of a notice of allowance under 37 CFR 1.311, whichever occurs first." As a practical matter, any petition should be submitted as soon as possible after the petitioner becomes aware of the existence of the application to which the petition is to be directed. By submitting a petition early in the examination process, i.e., before the Office acts on the application if possible, the petitioner ensures that the petition will receive maximum consideration and will be of the most benefit to the Office in its examination of the application.

Since a petition under 37 CFR 1.292 cannot be considered subsequent to issuance of the application as a patent or abandonment of the application, the petition will not be considered if the application is not pending when the petition and application are provided to the member of the OPLA staff (i.e., that the application was pending at the time the petition was filed would be immaterial to its ultimate consideration). A petition submitted prior to the earliest of the date the application was published or the mailing of a notice of allowance under 37 CFR 1.311, but not provided to the member of the OPLA staff with the application file prior to issuance or abandonment of the application, will be entered in the application file, but will be dismissed as moot. A petition filed after final rejection will be considered if the application has not been published and is still pending when the petition and application are provided to the member of the OPLA staff. However, prosecution will not ordinarily be reopened after final rejection if the subject matter alleged in the petition to have been in "public use" or "on sale" is merely cumulative of the prior art cited in the final rejection. If a petition is filed after the date the application was published or the mailing of a notice of allowance under 37 CFR 1.311, it will be dismissed as untimely.

A petition with regard to a reissue application should be filed within the 2-month period following announcement of the filing of the reissue application in the Official Gazette. If, for some reason, the petition cannot be filed within the 2-month period provided by 37 CFR 1.176, the petition can be submitted at a later time, but petitioner must be aware that reissue applications are "special" and a later filed petition may be received after action by the examiner. Any request by a petitioner in a reissue application for an extension of the 2-month period following the announcement in the Official Gazette will be considered only if filed in the form of a petition under 37 CFR 1.182 and accompanied by the petition fee set forth in 37 CFR 1.17*>(f)<. The petition must explain why the additional time is necessary and the nature of the allegations to be made in the petition. A copy of such petition must be served upon applicant in accordance with 37 CFR 1.248. The petition should be directed to the appropriate Technology Center (TC). Any such petition will be critically reviewed as to demonstrated need before being granted since the delay of examination of a reissue application of another party is being requested. Accordingly, the requests should be made only where necessary, for the minimum period required, and with a justification establishing the necessity for the extension.

If the petition is a "REISSUE LITIGATION" petition, it is particularly important that it be filed early if petitioner wishes it considered prior to the first Office action on the application. Petitioners should be aware that the Office will entertain petitions under 37 CFR 1.183, when accompanied by the petition fee set forth in 37 CFR 1.17*>(f)<, to waive the 2-month delay period of 37 CFR 1.176 in appropriate circumstances. Accordingly, petitioners in reissue applications cannot automatically assume that the full 2-month delay period of 37 CFR 1.176 will always be available.

In those ex parte situations where a petitioner cannot identify the pending application by application number, the petition papers will be forwarded to the appropriate TC Director for an identification search. Once the application file(s) is located, it should be forwarded to the OPLA.

If the petition filed in the Office does not indicate service on applicant or applicant's attorney or agent, and is not filed in duplicate, then the Office will undertake to determine whether or not service has been made by contacting applicant or applicant's attorney or agent by telephone or in writing to ascertain if service has been made. If service has not been made and no duplicate has been filed, then the Office may request petitioner to file such a duplicate before the petition is referred to the examiner. Alternatively, if the petition involves only a few pages, the Office may, in its sole discretion, elect to reproduce the petition rather than delay referring it to the examiner. If duplicate petition papers are mailed to applicant or applicant's attorney or agent by the Office, the application file should reflect that fact, either by a letter transmitting the petition or, if no transmittal letter is used, simply by an appropriate notation in the "Contents" section of the application file wrapper. For Image File Wrapper (IFW) processing, see IFW Manual section 3.4.

If the petition is not submitted prior to the earliest of the date the application was published or the mailing of a notice of allowance under 37 CFR 1.311, it should not be entered in the application file. The applicant should be notified that the petition is untimely and that it is not being entered in the application file. The handling of the petition will vary depending on the particular following situation.

(A) Service Of Copy Included Where the petition includes an indication of service of copy on the applicant, the original petition should be discarded. (B) Service Of Copy Not Included Where the petition does not include an indication of service and a duplicate copy of the petition is or is not present, the duplicate copy (if present) should be discarded and the original petition should be sent to the applicant along with the notification of nonentry.

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