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903.02(a) New and Revised Classes [R-5] - 900 Prior Art, Classification, and Search

903.02(a) New and Revised Classes [R-5]

The establishment of new classes or subclasses and the revision of old classes are done under the guidance of **>the Technology Center classification contact, as follows:

(A) The staff performing the reclassification develops an arrangement of documents which is satisfactory for searching;

(B) The definition of the new class or revised class is written or modified;

(C) The lines between the class and other classes are drawn up;

(D) The subclass definitions are established and definitions of all revised classes and subclasses are included in the classification orders; and

(E) The Index of the U.S. Classification System and the Classification Data System files are updated.<

Notification of the new class or subclass is published in a classification order. Copies of classification orders are available online to USPTO personnel from the Classification Home Page under the heading Classification Reports. The Classification Home Page >(http://ptoweb:8081/)< is accessible from the desktop via the Patent Examiner's Toolkit.


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