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1205.02 Appeal Brief Content [R-8] - 1200 Appeal

1205.02 Appeal Brief Content [R-8]

Only one copy of the appeal brief is required. Any brief filed on or after September 13, 2004 must comply with the requirements set forth in 37 CFR 41.37 and accompanied by the fee under 37 CFR 41.20(b)(2), unless the brief has a certificate of mailing date before September 13, 2004. Any brief filed (or that has a certificate of mailing date) before September 13, 2004 must comply with either the former 37 CFR 1.192 or 37 CFR 41.37. The brief, as well as every other *>document< relating to an appeal, should indicate the number of the Technology Center (TC) to which the application or patent under reexamination is assigned and the application or reexamination control number.

An appellant's brief must be responsive to every ground of rejection stated by the examiner that the appellant is presenting for review in the appeal. If a ground of rejection stated by the examiner is not addressed in the appellant's brief, that ground of rejection will be summarily sustained by the Board.

Oral argument at a hearing will not remedy such deficiency of a brief. The fact that appellant may consider a ground to be clearly improper does not justify a failure to point out to the Board the reasons for that belief.

The mere filing of *>a document< entitled as a brief will not necessarily be considered to be in compliance with 37 CFR 41.37(c). The rule requires that the brief must set forth the authorities and arguments relied upon. It is essential that the Board be provided with a brief fully stating the position of the appellant with respect to each ground of rejection presented for review in the appeal so that no search of the record is required in order to determine that position. Thus, the brief should not incorporate or reference previous responses. 37 CFR 41.37(c)(1) requires that the brief contain specific items, as discussed below. The brief must have all of the required items under appropriate headings in the order indicated in 37 CFR 41.37(c)(1). The headings are required even when an item is not applicable (e.g., if there is no evidence being relied upon by appellant in the appeal, the brief is still required to have the heading "Evidence appendix."). When there is no information related to the particular section heading of the brief, the word "none" should be used under the heading. >To assist appellants in complying with 37 CFR 41.37, the Board has posted checklists for notices of appeal and appeal briefs and a list of eight reasons appeal briefs have been previously held to be noncompliant, on the USPTO Web site at<

An exception to the requirement that all the items specified in 37 CFR 41.37(c)(1) be included in the brief is made if the application or reexamination proceeding is being prosecuted by the appellant pro se, i.e., there is no attorney or agent of record, and the brief was neither prepared nor signed by a registered attorney or agent. The brief of a pro se appellant which does not contain all of the items, (i) to (x), specified in 37 CFR 41.37(c)(1) will be accepted as long as it substantially complies with the requirements of items (i) through (iv) and (vii) through (x).

If in his or her brief, appellant relies on some reference, he or she is expected to provide the Board with a copy of it in the evidence appendix of the brief.

The specific items required by 37 CFR 41.37(c)(1) are:

(i) Real party in interest. A statement identifying by name the real party in interest even if the party named in the caption of the brief is the real party in interest. If appellant does not name the real party in interest under this heading, the Office will notify appellant of the defect in the brief and give appellant a time period within which to file an amended brief. See 37 CFR 41.37(d). If the appellant fails to correct the defect in the real party in interest section of the brief within the time period set forth in the notice, the appeal will stand dismissed.

The identification of the real party in interest allows members of the Board to comply with ethics regulations associated with working in matters in which the member has a financial interest to avoid any potential conflict of interest. When an application is assigned to a subsidiary corporation, the real party in interest is both the assignee and either the parent corporation or corporations, in the case of joint ventures. One example of a statement identifying the real party in interest is: The real party in interest is XXXX corporation, the assignee of record, which is a subsidiary of a joint venture between YYYY corporation and ZZZZ corporation.

(ii) Related appeals and interferences. A statement identifying all prior and pending appeals, judicial proceedings or interferences known to the appellant which may be related to, directly affect or be directly affected by or have a bearing on the Board's decision in the pending appeal. Appellant includes the appellant, the appellant's legal representative and the assignee. Such related proceedings must be identified by application number, patent number, appeal number (if available) or interference number (if available). The statement is not limited to copending applications. The requirement to identify related proceedings requires appellant to identify every related proceeding (e.g., commonly owned applications having common subject matter, claim to a common priority application) which may be related to, directly affect or be directly affected by or have a bearing on the Board's decision in the pending appeal. Copies of any decisions rendered by a court or the Board in any proceeding identified under this paragraph must be included in an appendix as required by 37 CFR 41.37(c)(1)(x). If appellant does not identify any other items under this section, it will be presumed that there are none.

(iii) Status of Claims. A statement of the status of all the claims in the application, or patent under reexamination, i.e., for each claim in the case, appellant must state whether it is cancelled, allowed or confirmed, rejected, withdrawn, objected to, etc. Each claim on appeal must be identified.

(iv) Status of Amendments. A statement of the status of any amendment filed subsequent to final rejection, i.e., whether or not the amendment has been acted upon by the examiner, and if so, whether it was entered, or denied entry. This statement should be of the status of the amendment as understood by the appellant. Appellants are encouraged to check the Office's Patent Application Information Retrieval (PAIR) system for the status of any amendment or affidavit or other evidence filed after a final rejection or the filing of a notice of appeal.

Items (iii) and (iv) are included in 37 CFR 41.37(c)(1) to avoid confusion as to which claims are on appeal, and the precise wording of those claims, particularly where the appellant has sought to amend claims after final rejection. The inclusion of items (iii) and (iv) in the brief will advise the examiner of what the appellant considers the status of the claims and post-final rejection amendments to be, allowing any disagreement on these questions to be resolved before the appeal is taken up for decision by the Board.

(v) Summary of claimed subject matter. A concise explanation of the subject matter defined in each of the independent claims involved in the appeal, which must refer to the specification by page and line number, and to the drawing, if any, by reference characters. While reference to page and line number of the specification requires somewhat more detail than simply summarizing the invention, it is considered important to enable the Board to more quickly determine where the claimed subject matter is described in the application. For each independent claim involved in the appeal and for each dependent claim argued separately under the provisions of 37 CFR 41.37(c)(1)(vii), every means plus function and step plus function as permitted by 35 U.S.C.  112, sixth paragraph, must be identified and the structure, material, or acts described in the specification as corresponding to each claimed function must be set forth with reference to the specification by page and line number, and to the drawing, if any, by reference characters. If appellant does not provide a summary of the claimed subject matter as required by 37 CFR 41.37(c)(1)(v), the Office will notify appellant of the defect in the brief and give appellant a time period within which to file an amended brief. See 37 CFR 41.37(d).

(vi) Grounds of rejection to be reviewed on appeal. A concise statement of each ground of rejection presented for review. For example, the statement "Whether claims 1 and 2 are unpatentable" would not comply with the rule, while the statements "Whether claims 1 and 2 are unpatentable under 35 U.S.C. 103 over Smith in view of Jones," and "Whether claims 1 and 2 are unpatentable under 35 U.S.C. 112, first paragraph, as being based on a nonenabling disclosure" would comply with the rule. The statement cannot include any argument concerning the merits of the ground of rejection presented for review. Arguments should be included in the "Argument" section of the brief.

(vii) Argument. The appellant's contentions with respect to each ground of rejection presented and the basis for those contentions, including citations of authorities, statutes, and parts of the record relied on, should be presented in this section. A statement which merely points out what a claim recites will not be considered an argument for patentability of the claim.

37 CFR 41.37(c)(1)(vii) contains the following sentence:

Any arguments or authorities not included in the brief or reply brief filed pursuant to § 41.41 will be refused consideration by the Board, unless good cause is shown.

This sentence emphasizes that all arguments and authorities which an appellant wishes the Board to consider should be included in the brief or reply brief. It should be noted that arguments not presented in the brief or reply brief and made for the first time at the oral hearing are not normally entitled to consideration. In re Chiddix, 209 USPQ 78 (Comm'r Pat. 1980); Rosenblum v. Hiroshima, 220 USPQ 383 (Comm'r Pat. 1983).

This sentence is not intended to preclude the filing of a supplemental paper if new authority should become available or relevant after the brief or reply brief was filed. An example of such circumstances would be where a pertinent decision of a court or other tribunal was not published until after the brief or reply brief was filed.

Each ground of rejection must be treated under a separate heading. For each ground of rejection applying to two or more claims, the claims may be argued separately or as a group. When multiple claims subject to the same ground of rejection are argued as a group by appellant, the Board may select a single claim from the group of claims that are argued together to decide the appeal with respect to the group of claims as to the ground of rejection on the basis of the selected claim alone. The failure of appellant to separately argue claims which appellant has grouped together constitutes a waiver of any argument that the Board must consider the patentability of any grouped claim separately. See In re McDaniel, 293 F.3d 1379, 1384, 63 USPQ2d 1462, 1465-66 (Fed. Cir. 2002). Any claim argued separately should be placed under a subheading identifying the claim by number. Claims argued as a group should be placed under a subheading identifying the claims by number.

For example, if Claims 1 to 5 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. 102(b) as being anticipated by U.S. Patent No. Y and appellant is only going to argue the limitations of independent claim 1, and thereby group dependent claims 2 to 5 to stand or fall with independent claim 1, then one possible heading as required by this subsection could be "Rejection under 35 U.S.C.  102(b) over U.S. Patent No. Y" and the optional subheading would be "Claims 1 to 5." Another example is where claims 1 to 3 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. 102(b) as being anticipated by U.S. Patent No. Z and appellant wishes to argue separately the patentability of each claim, a possible heading as required by this subsection could be "Rejection under 35 U.S.C.  102 (b) over U.S. Patent No. Z," and the optional subheadings would be "Claim 1," "Claim 2" and "Claim 3." Under each subheading the appellant would present the argument for patentability of that claim. The best practice is to use a subheading for each claim for which separate consideration by the Board is desired.

(viii) Claims appendix. An appendix containing a copy of the claims involved in the appeal.

The copy of the claims should be a clean copy and should not include any markings such as brackets or underlining except for claims in a reissue application >and a reexamination proceeding<. See MPEP § 1454 for the presentation of the copy of the claims in a reissue application. >See 37 CFR 1.530(d) and (f) for reexamination proceedings, see also MPEP § 2274 for ex parte reexamination and MPEP § 2675 for inter partes reexamination.<

The copy of the claims should be double-spaced and the appendix should start on a new page.

(ix) Evidence appendix. An appendix containing copies of any evidence submitted pursuant to 37 CFR 1.130, 1.131, or 1.132 or of any other evidence entered by the examiner and relied upon by appellant in the appeal, along with a statement setting forth where in the record that evidence was entered in the record by the examiner. Reference to unentered evidence is not permitted in the brief. See 37 CFR 41.33 for treatment of evidence submitted after appeal. This appendix may also include copies of the evidence relied upon by the examiner as to grounds of rejection to be reviewed on appeal. The appendix should start on a new page. If there is no evidence being relied upon by appellant in the appeal, then an evidence appendix should be included with the indication "none."

(x) Related proceedings appendix. An appendix containing copies of decisions rendered by a court or the Board in any proceeding identified pursuant to 37 CFR 41.37(c)(1)(ii). The appendix should start on a new page. If there are no such copies of decisions being submitted in the appeal, then a related proceedings appendix should be included with the indication "none."

37 CFR 41.37(c)(1) merely specifies the minimum requirements for a brief, and does not prohibit the inclusion of any other material which an appellant may consider necessary or desirable, for example, a list of references, table of contents, table of cases, etc. A brief is in compliance with 37 CFR 41.37(c)(1) as long as it includes items (i) to (x) in the order set forth.

37 CFR 41.37(c)(2) prohibits the inclusion in a brief of any new or non-admitted amendment, affidavit or other evidence.

An example of a format and content for an appeal brief for a patent application is a brief containing the following items, with each item starting on a separate page:

(A) Identification page setting forth the applicant's name(s), the application number, the filing date of the application, the title of the invention, the name of the examiner, the art unit of the examiner and the title of the paper (i.e., Appeal Brief);

(B) Table of Contents page(s);

(C) Real party in interest page(s);

(D) Related appeals and interferences page(s);

(E) Status of claims page(s);

(F) Status of amendments page(s);

(G) Summary of claimed subject matter page(s);

(H) Grounds of rejection to be reviewed on appeal page(s);

(I) Argument page(s);

(J) Claims appendix page(s);

(K) Evidence appendix page(s);

(L) Related proceedings appendix page(s).

In accordance with the above, the brief must be directed to the claims and to the record of the case as they appeared at the time of the appeal, but it may, of course, withdraw from consideration on appeal any claims or issues as desired by appellant. Even if the appeal brief withdraws from consideration any claims or issues (i.e., appellant acquiesces to any rejection), the examiner must continue to make the rejection in the examiner's answer, unless an amendment obviating the rejection has been entered.

A timely filed brief will be referred to the examiner for consideration of its propriety as to the appeal issues and for preparation of an examiner's answer if the brief is proper and the application is not allowable. The examiner's answer may withdraw the rejection of claims, if appropriate. The examiner may also determine that it is necessary to reopen prosecution to enter a new ground of rejection. See MPEP § 1207.04.

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