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1207.01 Appeal Conference< [R-3] - 1200 Appeal


1207.01 Appeal Conference< [R-3]

An appeal conference is mandatory in all cases in which an acceptable brief (MPEP § *>1205<) has been filed. However, if the examiner charged with the responsibility of preparing the examiner's answer reaches a conclusion that the appeal should not go forward and the supervisory patent examiner (SPE) approves, then no appeal conference is necessary. >In this case, the examiner may reopen prosecution and issue another Office action. See MPEP § 1207.04.<

The participants of the appeal conference should include (1) the examiner charged with preparation of the examiner's answer, (2) a supervisory patent examiner (SPE), and (3) another examiner, known as a conferee, having sufficient experience to be of assistance in the consideration of the merits of the issues on appeal. During the appeal conference, consideration should be given to the possibility of dropping cumulative art rejections and eliminating technical rejections of doubtful value.

The examiner responsible for preparing the examiner's answer should weigh the arguments of the other examiners presented during the appeal conference. If it is determined that the rejection(s) should be maintained, the examiner responsible for preparing the examiner's answer will prepare the examiner's answer.

On the examiner's answer, below the primary examiner's signature, the word "Conferees:" should be included, followed by the typed or printed names of the other two appeal conference participants. These two appeal conference participants must place their initials next to their name. This will make the record clear that an appeal conference has been held. >If the examiner's answer contains a new ground of rejection, it must give appellant a two-month time period to reply to the new ground of rejection. The answer must also include the signature of a Technology Center (TC) Director or designee to indicate that he or she approves the new ground of rejection. See MPEP §  1207.03 and form paragraph 12.179.01.<

Upon receipt of the appeal case by the Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences (Board), the Board should review the application prior to assigning an appeal number to determine whether an appeal conference has been held. If the examiner's answer does not contain the appropriate indication that an appeal conference has been held (i.e., including the names of the conferees and identifying themselves as the conferees along with their initials), the Board should return the application directly to the appropriate **>TC< Director for corrective action. This return procedure by the Board should not be considered as a remand of the application. This procedure applies to all examiner's answers received by the Board on or after November 1, 2000.

Before preparing the answer, the examiner should make certain that all amendments approved for entry have in fact been * entered >in the file<. The ** Board will return to the TC any application in which approved amendments have not been entered.


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