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1211 Remand by Board [R-3] - 1200 Appeal

1211 Remand by Board [R-3]

The Board has authority to remand a case to the examiner when it deems it necessary. For example, the Board may remand **>a case for further consideration of a rejection pursuant to 37 CFR 41.50(a)(1) such as< where the pertinence of the references is not clear, the Board may call upon the examiner for a further explanation. >See MPEP § 1211.01.< In the case of multiple rejections of a cumulative nature, the Board may also remand for selection of the preferred or best ground. The Board may also remand a case to the examiner for further search where it feels that the most pertinent art has not been cited, or to consider an amendment**. See MPEP * § 1211.02, * §  1211.03 >and § 1211.04<. Furthermore, the Board may remand an application to the examiner to prepare a supplemental examiner's answer in response to a reply brief **>which the examiner only acknowledged receipt and entry thereof (e.g., by using form paragraph 12.181 on form PTOL-90). See MPEP §  1207.05 for more information on supplemental examiner's answer<.


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