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1309.02 "Query/Printer Waiting" Cases [R-2] - 1300 Allowance and Issue

1309.02 "Query/Printer Waiting" Cases [R-2]

When the printer finds an apparent error in an application, the file is returned to the Office with an attached "Query/Printer Waiting" slip noting the supposed error.

The Publishing Division forwards such "query/printer waiting" applications to the Technology Center (TC) Director's secretary. The secretary acts as a control center in each TC and forwards the applications to the examiner by the appropriate route. The application should be taken up and acted on immediately and returned to the TC Director's secretary within 72 hours (excluding weekends and holidays). Either necessary corrective action should be taken or an indication should be made that the application is considered to be correct as it stands. >A copy of the query form is entered into the application file, and the response from the examiner should be clear from the record.<

If the examiner concurs in the criticisms, the errors should, if possible, be corrected in clean red ink and initialed or be corrected by examiner's amendment >(note that in an Image File Wrapper (IFW) application, an examiner's amendment must be made by way of a formal examiner's amendment)<. See MPEP § 1302.04.

Delays in making corrections may sometimes be avoided if the applicant or his or her representative is telephoned immediately, and the error is corrected by amendment under 37 CFR 1.312, where appropriate.

**>Applications with a paper file wrapper< are picked up from the *>TC Director's< office by the messenger and returned to the Publishing Division for forwarding to the printer.


>A similar process exists for IFW applications, with the query form being placed into the IFW, and the response from the examiner also made part of the record. For IFW processing, see IFW Manual.<