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1480.01 Expedited Issuance of Certificates of Correction - Error Attributable to Office [R-2] - 1400 Correction of Patents


1480.01 Expedited Issuance of Certificates of Correction - Error Attributable to Office [R-2]

In an effort to reduce the overall time required in processing and granting Certificate of Correction requests, the Office will expedite processing and granting of patentee requests where such requests are accompanied by evidence to show that the error is attributable solely to the Office (i.e., requests filed pursuant to 37 CFR 1.322 only).

The following requirements must be met for consideration of expedited issuance of Certificates of Correction:

The text of the correction requested should be submitted on a Certificate of Correction form, PTO/SB/44 (also referred to as PTO 1050). Submission of this form in duplicate is not necessary. The location of the error in the printed patent should be identified on form PTO/SB/44 by column and line number or claim and line number. See also MPEP § 1485.

Where the correction requested was incurred through the fault of the Office, and the matter is clearly disclosed in the records of the Office, and is accompanied by documentation that unequivocally supports the patentee's assertion(s), a Certificate of Correction will be expeditiously issued. Such supporting documentation can consist of relevant photocopied receipts, manuscript pages, correspondence dated and received by the Office, photocopies of Examiners' responses regarding entry of amendments, or any other validation that supports the patentee's request so that the request can be processed without the patent file.

Where only part of a request can be approved, the appropriate modifications will be made on the form PTO/SB/44 and the patentee then notified by mail. Further consideration will be given to initially rejected requests upon a request for reconsideration. In this instance, however, or in the case where it is determined that the Office was not responsible for the error(s) cited by the patentee, accelerated issuance of Certificates of Correction cannot be anticipated (although the Office will make every effort to process the request expeditiously).

As in the case of a request for a Certificate of Correction, a Request for Expedited Issuance of Certificate of Correction should be addressed to:

ATTN: Certificate of Correction Branch

Commissioner for Patents

P.O. Box 1450

Alexandria, VA 22313-1450<

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