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1817 PCT Member States [R-7] - 1800 Patent Cooperation Treaty

1817 PCT Member States [R-7]

An updated list of PCT Contracting States is available from WIPO's web site ( The following list of PCT Contracting States was updated at the time of publication of the MPEP:

State Ratification, Accession or Declaration Date of Ratification, Accession or Declaration Date From Which State May Be Designated
(1) Central African Republic° Accession 15 September 1971 01 June 1978
(2) Senegal° Ratification 08 March 1972 01 June 1978
(3) Madagascar Ratification 27 March 1972 01 June 1978
(4) Malawi Accession 16 May 1972 01 June 1978
(5) Cameroon° Accession 15 March 1973 01 June 1978
(6) Chad° Accession 12 February 1974 01 June 1978
(7) Togo° Ratification 28 January 1975 01 June 1978
(8) Gabon° Accession 06 March 1975 01 June 1978
(9) United States of America Ratification 26 November 1975 01 June 1978
(10) Germany°° Ratification 19 July 1976 01 June 1978
(11) Congo° Accession 08 August 1977 01 June 1978
(12) Switzerland°° Ratification 14 September 1977 01 June 1978
(13) United Kingdom°° Ratification 24 October 1977 01 June 1978
(14) France°° Ratification 25 November 1977 01 June 1978
(15) Russian Federation Ratification 29 December 1977 01 June 1978
(16) Brazil Ratification 09 January 1978 01 June 1978
(17) Luxembourg°° Ratification 31 January 1978 01 June 1978
(18) Sweden°° Ratification 17 February 1978 01 June 1978
(19) Japan Ratification 01 July 1978 01 October 1978
(20) Denmark°° Ratification 01 September 1978 01 December 1978
(21) Austria°° Ratification 23 January 1979 23 April 1979
(22) Monaco°° Ratification 22 March 1979 22 June 1979
(23) Netherlands°° Ratification 10 April 1979 10 July 1979
(24) Romania °° Ratification 23 April 1979 23 July 1979
(25) Norway > °° < Ratification 01 October 1979 01 January 1980
(26) Liechtenstein°° Accession 19 December 1979 19 March 1980
(27) Australia Accession 31 December 1979 31 March 1980
(28) Hungary °° Ratification 27 March 1980 27 June 1980
(29) Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea ) Accession 08 April 1980 08 July 1980
(30) Finland°° Ratification 01 July 1980 01 October 1980
(31) Belgium°° Ratification 14 September 1981 14 December 1981
(32) Sri Lanka Accession 26 November 1981 26 February 1982
(33) Mauritania° Accession 13 January 1983 13 April 1983
(34) Sudan Accession 16 January 1984 16 April 1984
(35) Bulgaria °° Accession 21 February 1984 21 May 1984
(36) Republic of Korea (South Korea) Accession 10 May 1984 10 August 1984
(37) Mali° Accession 19 July 1984 19 October 1984
(38) Barbados Accession 12 December 1984 12 March 1985
(39) Italy°° Ratification 28 December 1984 28 March 1985
(40) Benin° Accession 26 November 1986 26 February 1987
(41) Burkina Faso° Accession 21 December 1988 21 March 1989
(42) Spain°° Accession 16 August 1989 16 November 1989
(43) Canada Ratification 02 October 1989 02 January 1990
(44) Greece°° Accession 09 July 1990 09 October 1990
(45) Poland°° Accession 25 September 1990 25 December 1990
(46) Côte d'Ivoire° Ratification 31 January 1991 30 April 1991
(47) Guinea° Accession 27 February 1991 27 May 1991
(48) Mongolia Accession 27 February 1991 27 May 1991
(49) Czech Republic °° Declaration 18 December 1992 01 January 1993
(50) Ireland°° Ratification 01 May 1992 01 August 1992
(51) Portugal°° Accession 24 August 1992 24 November 1992
(52 ) New Zealand Accession 01 September 1992 01 December 1992
(53) Ukraine Declaration 21 September 1992 25 December 1991
(54) Viet Nam Accession 10 December 1992 10 March 1993
(55) Slovakia °° Declaration 30 December 1992 01 January 1993
(56) Niger° Accession 21 December 1992 21 March 1993
(57) Kazakhstan Declaration 16 February 1993 25 December 1991
(58) Belarus Declaration 14 April 1993 25 December 1991
(59) Latvia °° Accession 07 June 1993 07 September 1993
(60) Uzbekistan Declaration 18 August 1993 25 December 1991
(61) China Accession 01 October 1993 01 January 1994
(62) Slovenia °° Accession 01 December 1993 01 March 1994
(63) Trinidad and Tobago Accession 10 December 1993 10 March 1994
(64) Georgia Declaration 18 January 1994 25 December 1991
(65) Kyrgyzstan Declaration 14 February 1994 25 December 1991
(66) Republic of Moldova Declaration 14 February 1994 25 December 1991
(67) Tajikistan Declaration 14 February 1994 25 December 1991
(68) Kenya Accession 08 March 1994 08 June 1994
(69) Lithuania °° Accession 05 April 1994 05 July 1994
(70) Armenia Declaration 17 May 1994 25 December 1991
(71) Estonia °° Accession 24 May 1994 24 August 1994
(72) Liberia Accession 27 May 1994 27 August 1994
(73) Swaziland Accession 20 June 1994 20 September 1994
(74) Mexico Accession 01 October 1994 01 January 1995
(75) Uganda Accession 09 November 1994 09 February 1995
(76) Singapore Accession 23 November 1994 23 February 1995
(77) Iceland °° Accession 23 December 1994 23 March 1995
(78) Turkmenistan Declaration 01 March 1995 25 December 1991
(79) The former Yugoslov Republic of Macedonia Accession 10 May 1995 10 August 1995
(80) Albania Accession 04 July 1995 04 October 1995
(81) Lesotho Accession 21 July 1995 21 October 1995
(82) Azerbaijan Accession 25 September 1995 25 December 1995
(83) Turkey°° Accession 01 October 1995 01 January 1996
(84) Israel Ratification 01 March 1996 01 June 1996
(85) Cuba Accession 16 April 1996 16 July 1996
(86) Saint Lucia Accession 30 May 1996 30 August 1996
(87) Bosnia and Herzegovina Accession 07 June 1996 07 September 1996
(88) Serbia Ratification 01 November 1996 01 February 1997
(89) Ghana Accession 26 November 1996 16 February 1997
(90) Zimbabwe Accession 11 March 1997 11 June 1997
(91) Sierra Leone Accession 17 March 1997 17 June 1997
(92) Indonesia Accession 05 June 1997 05 September 1997
(93) Gambia Accession 09 September 1997 09 December 1997
(94) Guinea-Bissau° Accession 12 September 1997 12 December 1997
(95) Cyprus°° Accession 01 January 1998 01 April 1998
(96) Croatia > °° < Accession 01 April 1998 01 July 1998
(97) Grenada Accession 22 June 1998 22 September 1998
(98) India Accession 07 September 1998 07 December 1998
(99) United Arab Emirates Accession 10 December 1998 10 March 1999
(100) South Africa Accession 16 December 1998 16 March 1999
(101) Costa Rica Accession 03 May 1999 03 August 1999
(102) Dominica Accession 07 May 1999 07 August 1999
(103) United Republic of Tanzania Accession 14 June 1999 14 September 1999
(104) Morocco Accession 08 July 1999 08 October 1999
(105) Algeria Ratification 08 December 1999 08 March 2000
(106) Antigua and Barbuda Accession 17 December 1999 17 March 2000
(107) Mozambique Accession 18 February 2000 18 May 2000
(108) Belize Accession 17 March 2000 17 June 2000
(109) Colombia Accession 29 November 2000 28 February 2001
(110) Ecuador Accession 07 February 2001 07 May 2001
(111) Equatorial Guinea° Accession 17 April 2001 17 July 2001
(112) Philippines Ratification 17 May 2001 17 August 2001
(113) Oman Accession 26 July 2001 26 October 2001
(114) Zambia Accession 15 August 2001 15 November 2001
(115) Tunisia Accession 10 September 2001 10 December 2001
(116) Saint Vincent and the
Accession 06 May 2002 06 August 2002
(117) Seychelles Accession 07 August 2002 07 November 2002
(118) Nicaragua Accession 06 December 2002 06 March 2003
(119) Papua New Guinea Accession 14 March 2003 14 June 2003
(120) Syrian Arab Republic Accession 26 March 2003 26 June 2003
(121) Egypt Ratification 06 June 2003 06 September 2003
(122) Botswana Accession 30 July 2003 30 October 2003
(123) Namibia Accession 01 October 2003 01 January 2004
(124) San Marino Accession 14 September 2004 14 December 2004
(125) Comoros Accession 03 January 2005 03 April 2005
(126) Nigeria Accession 08 February 2005 08 May 2005
(127) Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Accession 15 June 2005 15 September 2005
(128) Saint Kitts and Nevis Accession 27 July 2005 27 October 2005
(129) Lao People's Democratic Republic Accession 14 March 2006 14 June 2006
(130) Honduras Accession 20 March 2006 20 June 2006
(131) Malaysia Accession 16 May 2006 16 August 2006
(132) El Salvador Accession 17 May 2006 17 August 2006
(133) Guatemala Accession 14 July 2006 14 October 2006
(134) Malta > °° < Accession 01 December 2006 01 March 2007
(135) Montenegro Declaration 04 December 2006 03 June 2006
(136) Bahrain Accession 18 December 2006 18 March 2007
(137) Dominican Republic Accession 28 February 2007 28 May 2007
> (138) Angola Accession 27 September 2007 27 December 2007
(139) Sao Tome and Principe Accession 03 April 2008 03 July 2008 <
°Members of African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) regional patent system. Only regional patent protection is available for OAPI member states. A designation of any state is an indication that all OAPI states have been designated.
°°Members of European Patent Convention (EPC) regional patent system. Either national patents or European patents for member States are available through PCT, except for Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, and Slovenia, for which only European patents are available if the PCT is used.
The following states are members of African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) regional patent system and are Contracting States of both the Harare Protocol and the PCT: (4) Malawi, (34) Sudan, (68) Kenya, (73) Swaziland, (75) Uganda, (81) Lesotho, (89) Ghana, (90) Zimbabwe, (91) Sierra Leone, (93) Gambia, (103) United Republic of Tanzania, (107) Mozambique, (114) Zambia, (122) Botswana, and (123) Namibia. Note that with the accession of Botswana to the PCT, all 14 States party to the Harare Protocol are now also Contracting States of the PCT. State (73) Swaziland can only be designated for the purposes of an ARIPO patent and not for the purposes of a national patent. All other PCT Contracting States which are also party to the Harare Protocol can be designated either for a national or an ARIPO patent, or both a national and an ARIPO patent.
The following states are members of the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) regional patent system: (15) Russian Federation, (57) Kazakhstan, (58) Belarus, (65) Kyrgyzstan, (66) Republic of Moldova, (67) Tajikistan, (70) Armenia, (78) Turkmenistan, and (82) Azerbaijan. All PCT Contracting States which are also party to the Eurasian Patent Convention can be designated either for a national or a Eurasian patent, or both a national and a Eurasian patent. Note, however, that it is not possible to designate only some of these States for a Eurasian patent and that any designation of one or more States for a Eurasian patent will be treated as a designation of all the States which are party to both the Convention and the PCT for a Eurasian patent.

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