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1893.03(e)(1) Title of the Invention [R-5] - 1800 Patent Cooperation Treaty

1893.03(e)(1) Title of the Invention [R-5]

In the absence of an application data sheet (37 CFR 1.76) or preliminary amendment changing the title, the Office will use the title of the invention that appears on the first page of the description of the published international application (if published under PCT Article 21 in English) or the title that appears on the first page of the description of the English translation of the international application (if not published under PCT Article 21 in English) in preparing the official filing receipt. If the title does not appear on the first page of the description, and an application data sheet or preliminary amendment changing the title has not been furnished, then the title will be taken from the cover page of the published international application. If applicant furnishes an application data sheet or preliminary amendment changing the title, the Office will use the title as indicated in such document in preparing the official filing receipt. If applicant submits both an application data sheet and a preliminary amendment, the later filed document will govern. See 37 CFR 1.76(d)(1). An application data sheet will govern over a concurrently filed preliminary amendment. See 37 CFR 1.76(d)(2).<

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