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2421.04 Future Changes to the Sequence Rules - 2400 Biotechnology

2421.04 Future Changes to the Sequence Rules

With general regard to the symbols and format to be used for nucleotide and/or amino acid sequence data set forth in 37 CFR 1.822 and the form and format for sequence submissions in computer readable form set forth in 37 CFR 1.824, the Office intends to accommodate progress in the areas of both standardization and computerization as they relate to sequence data by subsequently amending the rules to take into account any such progress. This progress will probably be reflected in the refinement of or liberalization of the rules. For example, progress in the area of the standardization of sequence data will likely result in a more comprehensive rule. For example, the D-amino acids and branched sequences that are currently excluded from the rule may, in the future, be brought within the scope of the rule once the necessary standardization technology becomes available. As a further example, the computer readable form is currently limited to certain forms of electronic media, but it can readily be seen that progress in the technology for developing databases of the type the Office has envisioned will likely permit a broadening of the permissible types of computer readable forms that may be submitted. The same can be said for the computer/operating-system configurations that are currently permitted by the rules. As the Office becomes able to provide greater refinement and liberality in these areas, the Office will do so by the publication of notices in the Official Gazette or formal rulemaking proposals, as appropriate.

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