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2542 Change of Correspondence Address [R-7] - 2500 Maintenance Fees

2542 Change of Correspondence Address [R-7]

Unless a fee address has been designated, notices, receipts, and other communications relating to the patent will generally be directed to the correspondence address ( 37 CFR 1.33) used during the prosecution of the application. Practitioners of record when the patent issues who do not wish to receive correspondence relating to maintenance fees must change the correspondence address in the patented file or provide a fee address to which such correspondence should be sent. It is not required that a practitioner file a request for permission to withdraw pursuant to 37 CFR 1.36 solely for the purpose of changing the correspondence address in a patented file.

The correspondence address should be updated or changed as necessary to ensure that all communications are received in a timely manner. A change of correspondence address may be made as provided in 37 CFR 1.33(a). The correspondence address may be changed as provided in 37 CFR 1.33(a)(1) prior to the filing of an oath or declaration. After an oath or declaration has been executed and filed by at least one inventor, the correspondence address may be changed as provided in 37 CFR 1.33(a)(2).

Requests for a change of the correspondence address may be sent to the Office of **>Patent Application Processing< during the enforceable life of the patent. To ensure accuracy and to expedite requests for change to the correspondence address, it is suggested that the request include both the patent number and the application number. The Office form, Change of Correspondence Address, Application (PTO/SB/122) may be used to request a change of correspondence address in a patent application. The Office form, Change of Correspondence Address, Patent (PTO/SB/123) may be used to request a change of correspondence address for an issued patent.

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