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§ 205 Numbering and Identification of Claims upon Amendment - Appendix AI Administrative Instructions Under the PCT

§ 205 Numbering and Identification of Claims upon Amendment

(a) Amendments to the claims under Article 19 or Article 34(2)(b) may be made either by cancelling one or more entire claims, by adding one or more new claims or by amending the text of one or more of the claims as filed. All the claims appearing on a replacement sheet shall be numbered in Arabic numerals. Where a claim is cancelled, no renumbering of the other claims shall be required. In all cases where claims are renumbered, they shall be renumbered consecutively.

(b) The applicant shall, in the letter referred to in the second and third sentences of Rule 46.5(a) or in the second and fourth sentences of Rule 66.8(a), indicate the differences between the claims as filed and the claims as amended. He shall, in particular, indicate in the said letter, in connection with each claim appearing in the international application (it being understood that identical indications concerning several claims may be grouped), whether:

(i) the claim is unchanged;

(ii) the claim is cancelled;

(iii) the claim is new;

(iv) the claim replaces one or more claims as filed;

(v) the claim is the result of the division of a claim as filed.

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