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§ 207 Arrangement of Elements and Numbering of Sheets of the International Application - Appendix AI Administrative Instructions Under the PCT

§ 207 Arrangement of Elements and Numbering of Sheets of the International Application

(a) In effecting the sequential numbering of the sheets of the international application in accordance with Rule 11.7, the elements of the international application shall be placed in the following order: the request, the description (other than any sequence listing part thereof), the claims, the abstract, the drawings, the sequence listing part of the description (where applicable).

(b) The sequential numbering of the sheets shall be effected by using the following separate series of numbering:

(i) the first series applying to the request only and commencing with the first sheet of the request,

(ii) the second series commencing with the first sheet of the description (other than any sequence listing part thereof) and continuing through the claims until the last sheet of the abstract,

(iii) if applicable, a further series applying to the sheets of the drawings only and commencing with the first sheet of the drawings; the number of each sheet of the drawings shall consist of two Arabic numerals separated by a slant, the first being the sheet number and the second being the total number of sheets of drawings (for example, 1/3, 2/3, 3/3), and

(iv) if applicable, preferably, a further series applying to the sequence listing part of the description commencing with the first sheet of that part.

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