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§ 313 Documents Filed with the International Application; Manner of Marking the Necessary Annotations in the Check List - Appendix AI Administrative Instructions Under the PCT

§ 313 Documents Filed with the International Application; Manner of Marking the Necessary Annotations in the Check List

(a) Any power of attorney, any priority document, any fee calculation sheet and any separate sheet referred to in Section 209(a) containing indications as to deposited biological material, filed with the international application shall accompany the record copy; any other document referred to in Rule 3.3(a)(ii) shall be sent only at the specific request of the International Bureau. If any document which is indicated in the check list as accompanying the international application is not, in fact, filed at the latest by the time the record copy leaves the receiving Office, that Office shall so note on the check list and the said indication shall be considered as if it had not been made.

(b) Where, under Rule 3.3(b), the receiving Office itself completes the check list, that Office shall enter, in the margin, the words "COMPLETED BY RO" or their equivalent in the language of publication of the international application. Where only some of the indications are completed by the receiving Office, the said words and each indication completed by that Office shall be identified by an asterisk.

(c) Any sequence listing not forming part of the international application, whether on paper or in electronic form, that is furnished for the purposes of the international search to the receiving Office together with the international application or subsequent to the filing of the international application, shall be transmitted to the International Searching Authority together with the search copy. Where such a sequence listing is received by the receiving Office after the transmittal of the search copy, that sequence listing shall be promptly transmitted to the International Searching Authority.

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