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§ 403 Transmittal of Protest Against Payment of Additional Fees and Decision Thereon Where International Application Is Considered to Lack Unity of Invention - Appendix AI Administrative Instructions Under the PCT

§ 403 Transmittal of Protest Against Payment of Additional Fees and Decision Thereon Where International Application Is Considered to Lack Unity of Invention

Where, under Rules 40.2(c) or 68.3(c), the International Bureau receives a request from the applicant to forward to any designated or elected Office the texts of both the protest against payment of additional fees as provided for in Articles 17(3)(a) and 34(3)(a) where the international application is considered to lack unity of invention and the decision thereon by the International Searching Authority or the International Preliminary Examining Authority, as the case may be, it shall proceed according to such request.

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