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§ 602 Processing of Amendments by the International Preliminary Examining Authority - Appendix AI Administrative Instructions Under the PCT

§ 602 Processing of Amendments by the International Preliminary Examining Authority

(a) The International Preliminary Examining Authority shall:

(i) indelibly mark, in the upper right-hand corner of each replacement sheet submitted under Rule 66.8, the international application number and the date on which that sheet was received;

(ii) indelibly mark, in the middle of the bottom margin of each replacement sheet, the words "AMENDED SHEET" or their equivalent in the language of the demand as well as an indication of the International Preliminary Examining Authority as provided for in Section 107(b);

(iii) subject to item (iv), keep in its files any replaced sheet, the letter accompanying any replacement sheet, and any superseded replacement sheet or any letter referred to in the last sentence of Rule 66.8(b) as well as a copy of any replacement sheet which is annexed to the international preliminary examination report;

(iv) where any superseded replacement sheet referred to in item (iii) is to be annexed to the international preliminary examination report under Rule 70.16(b), indelibly mark, in addition to the markings referred to in items (i) and (ii), in the middle of the bottom margin of each superseded replacement sheet, without obscuring the marking made under item (ii), the words "SUPERSEDED REPLACEMENT SHEET (RULE 70.16(b))";

(v) annex to the copy of the international preliminary examination report which is transmitted to the International Bureau any replacement sheet as provided for under Rule 70.16;

(vi) annex to the copy of the international preliminary examination report which is transmitted to the applicant a copy of each replacement sheet as provided for under Rule 70.16.

(b) Section 311(b)(ii) relating to the numbering of replacement sheets shall apply when one or more sheets are added under Rule 66.8.

(c) Where the International Preliminary Examining Authority receives from the applicant a copy of a purported amendment under Article 19 submitted after the time limit set forth in Rule 46.1, the International Preliminary Examining Authority may consider such an amendment as an amendment under Article 34 in which case it shall inform the applicant accordingly.

(d) Where the International Preliminary Examining Authority receives a copy of an amendment under Article 19, paragraphs (a) and (b) shall apply mutatis mutandis.

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