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§ 801 Filing of International Applications Containing Sequence Listings and/or Tables - Appendix AI Administrative Instructions Under the PCT

§ 801 Filing of International Applications Containing Sequence Listings and/or Tables

(a)  Pursuant to Rules 89bis and 89ter, where an international application contains disclosure of one or more nucleotide and/or amino acid sequence listings ("sequence listings"), the receiving Office may, if it is prepared to do so, accept that the sequence listing part of the description, as referred to in Rule 5.2(a) and/or any table related to the sequence listing(s) ("sequence listings and/or tables"), be filed, at the option of the applicant:

(i) only on an electronic medium in electronic form in accordance with Section 802; or

(ii) both on an electronic medium in electronic form and on paper in accordance with Section 802;

provided that the other elements of the international application are filed as otherwise provided for under the Regulations and these Instructions.

(b)  Any receiving Office which is prepared to accept the filing in electronic form of the sequence listings and/or tables under paragraph (a) shall notify the International Bureau accordingly. The notification shall specify the electronic media on which the receiving Office will accept such filings. The International Bureau shall promptly publish any such information in the Gazette.

(c)  A receiving Office which has not made a notification under paragraph (b) may nevertheless decide in a particular case to accept an international application the sequence listings and/or tables of which are filed with it under paragraph (a).

(d)  Where the sequence listings and/or tables are filed in electronic form under paragraph (a) but not on an electronic medium specified by the receiving Office under paragraph (b), that Office shall, under Article 14(1)(a)(v), invite the applicant to furnish to it replacement sequence listings and/or tables on an electronic medium specified under paragraph (b).

(e) Where an international application containing sequence listings and/or tables in electronic form is filed under paragraph (a) with a receiving Office which is not prepared, under paragraph (b) or (c), to accept such filings, Section 333(b) and (c) shall apply.

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