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§ 10.64 Avoiding acquisition of interest in litigation or proceeding before the Office. - Appendix R Patent Rules

§ 10.64 Avoiding acquisition of interest in litigation or proceeding before the Office.

(a) A practitioner shall not acquire a proprietary interest in the subject matter of a proceeding before the Office which the practitioner is conducting for a client, except that the practitioner may:

(1) Acquire a lien granted by law to secure the practitioner's fee or expenses; or

(2) Contract with a client for a reasonable contingent fee; or

(3) In a patent case, take an interest in the patent as part or all of his or her fee.

(b) While representing a client in connection with a contemplated or pending proceeding before the Office, a practitioner shall not advance or guarantee financial assistance to a client, except that a practitioner may advance or guarantee the expenses of going forward in a proceeding before the Office including fees required by law to be paid to the Office, expenses of investigation, expenses of medical examination, and costs of obtaining and presenting evidence, provided the client remains ultimately liable for such expenses. A practitioner may, however, advance any fee required to prevent or remedy an abandonment of a  client's application by reason of an act or omission attributable to the practitioner and not to the client, whether or not the client is ultimately liable for such fee.

[Added 50 FR 5179, Feb. 6, 1985, effective Mar. 8, 1985]

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