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§ 10.93 Contact with officials. - Appendix R Patent Rules

§ 10.93 Contact with officials.

(a) A practitioner shall not give or lend anything of value to a judge, official, or employee of a tribunal under circumstances which might give the appearance that the gift or loan is made to influence official action.

(b) In an adversary proceeding, including any inter partes proceeding before the Office, a practitioner shall not communicate, or cause another to communicate, as to the merits of the cause with a judge, official, or Office employee before whom the proceeding is pending, except:

(1) In the course of official proceedings in the cause.

(2) In writing if the practitioner promptly delivers a copy of the writing to opposing counsel or to the adverse party if the adverse party is not represented by a practitioner.

(3) Orally upon adequate notice to opposing counsel or to the adverse party if the adverse party is not represented by a practitioner.

(4) As otherwise authorized by law.

[Added 50 FR 5181, Feb. 6, 1985, effective Mar. 8, 1985]

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