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§ 1.165 Plant Drawings. - Appendix R Patent Rules

§ 1.165 Plant Drawings.

(a) Plant patent drawings should be artistically and competently executed and must comply with the requirements of § 1.84. View numbers and reference characters need not be employed unless required by the examiner. The drawing must disclose all the distinctive characteristics of the plant capable of visual representation.

(b) The drawings may be in color. The drawing must be in color if color is a distinguishing characteristic of the new variety. Two copies of color drawings or photographs must be submitted.

[24 FR 10332, Dec. 22, 1959; para. (b), 47 FR 41277, Sept. 17, 1982, effective Oct. 1, 1982; paras. (a) and (b) amended, 58 FR 38719, July 20, 1993, effective Oct. 1, 1993; para. (b) revised, 65 FR 57024, Sept. 20, 2000, effective Nov. 29, 2000; para. (b) revised, 69 FR 56481, Sept. 21, 2004, effective Oct. 21, 2004]

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