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§ 1.302 Notice of appeal. - Appendix R Patent Rules

§ 1.302 Notice of appeal.

(a) When an appeal is taken to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, the appellant shall give notice thereof to the Director within the time specified in § 1.304.

(b) In interferences, the notice must be served as provided in § 41.106(e) of this title.

(c) In ex parte reexamination proceedings, the notice must be served as provided in § 1.550(f).

(d) In inter partes reexamination proceedings, the notice must be served as provided in § 1.903.

(e) Notices of appeal directed to the Director shall be mailed to or served by hand on the General Counsel as provided in § 104.2.

[24 FR 10332, Dec. 22, 1959; para. (a), 47 FR 47381, Oct. 26, 1982, effective Oct. 26, 1982; 49 FR 48416, Dec. 12, 1984, effective Feb. 11, 1985; 50 FR 9383, Mar. 7, 1985, effective May 8, 1985; para. (c) added, 53 FR 16414, May 8, 1988; paras. (a) & (c) revised, 68 FR 14332, Mar. 25, 2003, effective May 1, 2003; revised, 68 FR 70996, Dec. 22, 2003, effective Jan. 21, 2004; para. (b) revised, 69 FR 49959, Aug. 12, 2004, effective Sept. 13, 2004; para. (b) revised, 69 FR 58260, Sept. 30, 2004, effective Sept. 30, 2004]

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