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§ 1.401 Definitions of terms under the Patent Cooperation Treaty. - Appendix R Patent Rules

§ 1.401 Definitions of terms under the Patent Cooperation Treaty.

(a) The abbreviation PCT and the term Treaty mean the Patent Cooperation Treaty.

(b) International Bureau means the World Intellectual Property Organization located in Geneva, Switzerland.

(c) Administrative Instructions means that body of instructions for operating under the Patent Cooperation Treaty referred to in PCT Rule 89.

(d) Request, when capitalized, means that element of the international application described in PCT Rules 3 and 4.

(e) International application, as used in this subchapter is defined in § 1.9(b).

(f) Priority date for the purpose of computing time limits under the Patent Cooperation Treaty is defined in PCT Art. 2(xi). Note also § 1.465.

(g) Demand, when capitalized, means that document filed with the International Preliminary Examining Authority which requests an international preliminary examination.

(h) Annexes means amendments made to the claims, description or the drawings before the International Preliminary Examining Authority.

(i) Other terms and expressions in this subpart C not defined in this section are to be taken in the sense indicated in PCT Art. 2 and 35 U.S.C. 351.

[43 FR 20466, May 11, 1978; 52 FR 20047, May 28, 1987]

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