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§ 1.923 Examiner's determination on the request for - Appendix R Patent Rules

§ 1.923 Examiner's determination on the request for inter partes reexamination.

Within three months following the filing date of a request for inter partes reexamination under § 1.915, the examiner will consider the request and determine whether or not a substantial new question of patentability affecting any claim of the patent is raised by the request and the prior art citation. The examiner's determination will be based on the claims in effect at the time of the determination, will become a part of the official file of the patent, and will be mailed to the patent owner at the address as provided for in § 1.33(c) and to the third party requester. If the examiner determines that no substantial new question of patentability is present, the examiner shall refuse the request and shall not order inter partes reexamination.

[Added, 65 FR 76756, Dec. 7, 2000, effective Feb. 5, 2001; revised, 72 FR 18892, Apr. 16, 2007, effective May 16, 2007]

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