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§ 1.927 Petition to review refusal to order - Appendix R Patent Rules

§ 1.927 Petition to review refusal to order inter partes reexamination.

The third party requester may seek review by a petition to the Director under § 1.181 within one month of the mailing date of the examiner's determination refusing to order inter partes reexamination. Any such petition must comply with § 1.181(b). If no petition is timely filed or if the decision on petition affirms that no substantial new question of patentability has been raised, the determination shall be final and nonappealable.

[Added, 65 FR 76756, Dec. 7, 2000, effective Feb. 5, 2001; revised, 68 FR 14332, Mar. 25, 2003, effective May 1, 2003]


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