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§ 20.2 Positive Determination Under Article 11(1) - Appendix T Patent Cooperation Treaty

§ 20.2 Positive Determination Under Article 11(1)

(a)  If the receiving Office determines that, at the time of receipt of the papers purporting to be an international application, the requirements of Article 11(1) were fulfilled, the receiving Office shall accord as the international filing date the date of receipt of the international application.

(b)  The receiving Office shall stamp the request of the international application which it has accorded an international filing date as prescribed by the Administrative Instructions. The copy whose request has been so stamped shall be the record copy of the international application.

(c) The receiving Office shall promptly notify the applicant of the international application number and the international filing date. At the same time, it shall send to the International Bureau a copy of the notification sent to the applicant, except where it has already sent, or is sending at the same time, the record copy to the International Bureau under Rule 22.1(a).

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