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§ 24.2 Notification of Receipt of the Record Copy - Appendix T Patent Cooperation Treaty

§ 24.2 Notification of Receipt of the Record Copy

(a) The International Bureau shall promptly notify:

(i) the applicant,

(ii) the receiving Office, and

(iii) the International Searching Authority (unless it has informed the International Bureau that it wishes not to be so notified), of the fact and the date of receipt of the record copy. The notification shall identify the international application by its number, the international filing date and the name of the applicant, and shall indicate the filing date of any earlier application whose priority is claimed. The notification sent to the applicant shall also contain a list of the designated Offices and, in the case of a designated Office which is responsible for granting regional patents, of the Contracting States designated for such regional patent.

(b) [Deleted]

(c) If the record copy is received after the expiration of the time limit fixed in Rule 22.3, the International Bureau shall promptly notify the applicant, the receiving Office, and the International Searching Authority, accordingly.

Rule 25
Receipt of the Search Copy by the International Searching Authority

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