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§ 47.1 Procedure - Appendix T Patent Cooperation Treaty

§ 47.1 Procedure

(a) The communication provided for in Article  20 shall be effected by the International Bureau to each designated Office in accordance with Rule 93bis.1 but, subject to Rule 47.4, not prior to the international publication of the international application.

(a-bis) The International Bureau shall notify each designated Office, in accordance with Rule 93bis.1, of the fact and date of receipt of the record copy and of the fact and date of receipt of any priority document.

(a-ter) [Deleted]

(b) Any amendment received by the International Bureau within the time limit under Rule 46.1 which was not included in the communication provided for in Article 20 shall be communicated promptly to the designated Offices by the International Bureau, and the latter shall notify the applicant accordingly.

(c) The International Bureau shall, promptly after the expiration of 28 months from the priority date, send a notice to the applicant indicating:

(i) the designated Offices which have requested that the communication provided for in Article 20 be effected under Rule 93bis.1 and the date of such communication to those Offices; and

(ii) the designated Offices which have not requested that the communication provided for in Article 20 be effected under Rule 93bis.1.

(c-bis) The notice referred to in paragraph (c) shall be accepted by designated Offices:

(i) in the case of a designated Office referred to in paragraph (c)(i), as conclusive evidence that the communication provided for in Article 20 was effected on the date specified in the notice;

(ii) in the case of a designated Office referred to in paragraph (c)(ii), as conclusive evidence that the Contracting State for which that Office acts as designated Office does not require the furnishing, under Article 22, by the applicant of a copy of the international application.

(d) Each designated Office shall, when it so requires, receive the international search reports and the declarations referred to in Article 17(2)(a) also in the translation referred to in Rule 45.1.

(e) Where any designated Office has not, before the expiration of 28 months from the priority date, requested the International Bureau to effect the communication provided for in Article 20 in accordance with Rule 93bis.1, the Contracting State for which that Office acts as designated Office shall be considered to have notified the International Bureau, under Rule 49.1(abis), that it does not require the furnishing, under Article 22, by the applicant of a copy of the international application.

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