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§ 48.2 Contents - Appendix T Patent Cooperation Treaty

§ 48.2 Contents

(a) The publication of the international application shall contain:

(i) a standardized front page;

(ii) the description;

(iii) the claims;

(iv) the drawings, if any;

(v) subject to paragraph (g), the international search report or the declaration under Article 17(2)(a);

(vi) any statement filed under Article 19(1), unless the International Bureau finds that the statement does not comply with the provisions of Rule 46.4;

(vii) where the request for publication under Rule 91.3(d) was received by the International Bureau before the completion of the technical preparations for international publication, any request for rectification of an obvious mistake, any reasons and any comments referred to in Rule 91.3(d);

(viii) the indications in relation to deposited biological material furnished under Rule 13bis separately from the description, together with an indication of the date on which the International Bureau received such indications;

(ix) any information concerning a priority claim referred to in Rule 26bis.2(d);

(x) any declaration referred to in Rule 4.17, and any correction thereof under Rule 26ter.1, which was received by the International Bureau before the expiration of the time limit under Rule 26ter.1;

(xi) any information concerning a request under Rule 26bis.3 for restoration of the right of priority and the decision of the receiving Office upon such request, including information as to the criterion for restoration upon which the decision was based.

(b) Subject to paragraph (c), the front page shall include:

(i) data taken from the request sheet and such other data as are prescribed by the Administrative Instructions;

(ii) a figure or figures where the international application contains drawings, unless Rule 8.2(b) applies;

(iii) the abstract; if the abstract is both in English and in another language, the English text shall appear first;

(iv) where applicable, an indication that the request contains a declaration referred to in Rule 4.17 which was received by the International Bureau before the expiration of the time limit under Rule 26ter.1;

(v) where the international filing date has been accorded by the receiving Office under Rule 20.3(b)(ii) or 20.5(d) on the basis of the incorporation by reference under Rules 4.18 and 20.6 of an element or part, an indication to that effect, together with an indication as to whether the applicant, for the purposes of Rule 20.6(a)(ii), relied on compliance with Rule 17.1(a), (b) or (b-bis) in relation to the priority document or on a separately submitted copy of the earlier application concerned;

(vi) where applicable, an indication that the published international application contains information under Rule 26bis.2(d);

(vii) where applicable, an indication that the published international application contains information concerning a request under Rule 26bis.3 for restoration of the right of priority and the decision of the receiving Office upon such request;

(viii) where applicable, an indication that the applicant has, under Rule 26bis.3(f), furnished copies of any declaration or other evidence to the International Bureau.

(c) Where a declaration under Article 17(2)(a) has issued, the front page shall conspicuously refer to that fact and need include neither a drawing nor an abstract.

(d) The figure or figures referred to in paragraph (b)(ii) shall be selected as provided in Rule 8.2. Reproduction of such figure or figures on the front page may be in a reduced form.

(e) If there is not enough room on the front page for the totality of the abstract referred to in paragraph (b)(iii), the said abstract shall appear on the back of the front page. The same shall apply to the translation of the abstract when such translation is required to be published under Rule 48.3(c).

(f) If the claims have been amended under Article 19, the publication of the international application shall contain the full text of the claims both as filed and as amended. Any statement referred to in Article 19(1) shall be included as well, unless the International Bureau finds that the statement does not comply with the provisions of Rule 46.4. The date of receipt of the amended claims by the International Bureau shall be indicated.

(g) If, at the time of the completion of the technical preparations for international publication, the international search report is not yet available, the front page shall contain an indication to the effect that that report was not available and that the international search report (when it becomes available) will be separately published together with a revised front page.

(h) If, at the time of the completion of the technical preparations for international publication, the time limit for amending the claims under Article 19 has not expired, the front page shall refer to that fact and indicate that, should the claims be amended under Article 19, then, promptly after receipt by the International Bureau of such amendments within the time limit under Rule 46.1, the full text of the claims as amended will be published together with a revised front page. If a statement under Article 19(1) has been filed, that statement shall be published as well, unless the International Bureau finds that the statement does not comply with the provisions of Rule 46.4.

(i) If the authorization of a rectification of an obvious mistake in the international application referred to in Rule 91.1 is received by or, where applicable, given by the International Bureau after completion of the technical preparations for international publication, a statement reflecting all the rectifications shall be published, together with the sheets containing the rectifications, or the replacement sheets and the letter furnished under Rule 91.2, as the case may be, and the front page shall be republished.

(j) If, at the time of completion of the technical preparations for international publication, a request under Rule 26bis.3 for restoration of the right of priority is still pending, the published international application shall contain, in place of the decision by the receiving Office upon that request, an indication to the effect that such decision was not available and that the decision, when it becomes available, will be separately published.

(k) If a request for publication under Rule 91.3(d) was received by the International Bureau after the completion of the technical preparations for international publication, the request for rectification, any reasons and any comments referred to in that Rule shall be promptly published after the receipt of such request for publication, and the front page shall be republished.

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