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§ 4.12 Taking into Account Results of Earlier Search - Appendix T Patent Cooperation Treaty

§ 4.12 Taking into Account Results of Earlier Search

If the applicant wishes the International Searching Authority to take into account, in carrying out the international search, the results of an earlier international, international-type or national search carried out by the same or another International Searching Auth ority or by a national Office ("earlier search"):

(i) the request shall so indicate and shall specify the Authority or Office concerned and the application in respect of which the earlier search was carried out;

(ii) the request may, where applicable, contain a statement to the effect that the international application is the same, or substantially the same, as the application in respect of which the earlier search was carried out, or that the international application is the same, or substantially the same, as that earlier application except that it is filed in a different language.

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