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§ 53.9 Statement Concerning Amendments - Appendix T Patent Cooperation Treaty

§ 53.9 Statement Concerning Amendments

(a) If amendments under Article 19 have been made, the statement concerning amendments shall indicate whether, for the purposes of the international preliminary examination, the applicant wishes those amendments

(i) to be taken into account, in which case a copy of the amendments shall preferably be submitted with the demand, or

(ii) to be considered as reversed by an amendment under Article 34.

(b) If no amendments under Article 19 have been made and the time limit for filing such amendments has not expired, the statement may indicate that, should the International Preliminary Examining Authority wish to start the international preliminary examination at the same time as the international search in accordance with Rule 69.1(b), the applicant wishes the start of the international preliminary examination to be postponed in accordance with Rule 69.1(d).

(c) If any amendments under Article 34 are submitted with the demand, the statement shall so indicate.

Rule 54
The Applicant Entitled to Make a Demand

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