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§ 55.2 Translation of International Application - Appendix T Patent Cooperation Treaty

§ 55.2 Translation of International Application

(a) Where neither the language in which the international application is filed nor the language in which the international application is published is accepted by the International Preliminary Examining Authority that is to carry out the international preliminary examination, the applicant shall, subject to paragraph (b), furnish with the demand a translation of the international application into a language which is both:

(i) a language accepted by that Authority, and

(ii) a language of publication.

(a-bis) A translation of the international application into a language referred to in paragraph (a) shall include any element referred to in Article 11(1)(iii)(d) or (e) furnished by the applicant under Rule 20.3(b) or 20.6(a) and any part of the description, claims or drawings furnished by the applicant under Rule 20.5(b) or 20.6(a) which is considered to have been contained in the international application under Rule 20.6(b).

(a-ter) The International Preliminary Examining Authority shall check any translation furnished under paragraph (a) for compliance with the physical requirements referred to in Rule 11 to the extent that compliance therewith is necessary for the purposes of the international preliminary examination.

(b) Where a translation of the international application into a language referred to in paragraph (a) was transmitted to the International Searching Authority under Rule 23.1(b) and the International Preliminary Examining Authority is part of the same national Office or intergovernmental organization as the International Searching Authority, the applicant need not furnish a translation under paragraph (a). In such a case, unless the applicant furnishes a translation under paragraph (a), the international preliminary examination shall be carried out on the basis of the translation transmitted under Rule 23.1(b).

(c) If a requirement referred to in paragraphs (a), (a-bis) and (a-ter) is not complied with and paragraph (b) does not apply, the International Preliminary Examining Authority shall invite the applicant to furnish the required translation or the required correction, as the case may be, within a time limit which shall be reasonable under the circumstances. That time limit shall not be less than one month from the date of the invitation. It may be extended by the International Preliminary Examining Authority at any time before a decision is taken.

(d)  If the applicant complies with the invitation within the time limit under paragraph (c), the said requirements shall be considered to have been complied with. If the applicant fails to do so, the demand shall be considered not to have been submitted and the International Preliminary Examining Authority shall so declare.

(e) [Deleted]

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