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§ 66.1 Basis of the International Preliminary Examination - Appendix T Patent Cooperation Treaty

§ 66.1 Basis of the International Preliminary Examination

(a) Subject to paragraphs (b) to (d), the international preliminary examination shall be based on the international application as filed.

(b) The applicant may submit amendments under Article 34 at the time of filing the demand or, subject to Rule 66.4bis, until the international preliminary examination report is established.

(c) Any amendments under Article 19 made before the demand was filed shall be taken into account for the purposes of the international preliminary examination unless superseded, or considered as reversed, by an amendment under Article 34.

(d) Any amendments under Article 19 made after the demand was filed and any amendments under Article 34 submitted to the International Preliminary Examining Authority shall, subject to Rule 66.4bis, be taken into account for the purposes of the international preliminary examination.

(d-bis)  A rectification of an obvious mistake that is authorized under Rule 91.1 shall, subject to Rule 66.4bis, be taken into account by the International Preliminary Examining Authority for the purposes of the international preliminary examination.

(e) Claims relating to inventions in respect of which no international search report has been established need not be the subject of international preliminary examination.

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