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§ 80.5 Expiration on a Non-Working Day or Official Holiday - Appendix T Patent Cooperation Treaty

§ 80.5 Expiration on a Non-Working Day or Official Holiday

If the expiration of any period during which any document or fee must reach a national Office or intergovernmental organization falls on a day:

(i) on which such Office or organization is not open to the public for the purposes of the transaction of official business;

(ii) on which ordinary mail is not delivered in the locality in which such Office or organization is situated;

(iii) which, where such Office or organization is situated in more than one locality, is an official holiday in at least one of the localities in which such Office or organization is situated, and in circumstances where the national law applicable by that Office or organization provides, in respect of national applications, that, in such a case, such period shall expire on a subsequent day; or

(iv) which, where such Office is the government authority of a Contracting State entrusted with the granting of patents, is an official holiday in part of that Contracting State, and in circumstances where the national law applicable by that Office provides, in respect of national applications, that, in such a case, such period shall expire on a subsequent day; the period shall expire on the next subsequent day on which none of the said four circumstances exists.

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