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§ 90.1 Appointment as Agent - Appendix T Patent Cooperation Treaty

§ 90.1 Appointment as Agent

(a) A person having the right to practice before the national Office with which the international application is filed or, where the international application is filed with the International Bureau, having the right to practice in respect of the international application before the International Bureau as receiving Office may be appointed by the applicant as his agent to represent him before the receiving Office, the International Bureau, the International Searching Authority, and the International Preliminary Examining Authority.

(b) A person having the right to practice before the national Office or intergovernmental organization which acts as the International Searching Authority may be appointed by the applicant as his agent to represent him specifically before that Authority.

(c) A person having the right to practice before the national Office or intergovernmental organization which acts as the International Preliminary Examining Authority may be appointed by the applicant as his agent to represent him specifically before that Authority.

(d) An agent appointed under paragraph (a) may, unless otherwise indicated in the document appointing him, appoint one or more subagents to represent the applicant as the applicant"s agent:

(i) before the receiving Office, the International Bureau, the International Searching Authority, and the International Preliminary Examining Authority, provided that any person so appointed as sub-agent has the right to practice before the national Office with which the international application was filed or to practice in respect of the international application before the International Bureau as receiving Office, as the case may be;

(ii) specifically before the International Searching Authority or the International Preliminary Examining Authority, provided that any person so appointed as sub-agent has the right to practice before the national Office or intergovernmental organization which acts as the International Searching Authority or International Preliminary Examining Authority, as the case may be.

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