500 Receipt and Handling of Mail and Papers

500 Receipt and Handling of Mail and Papers
501 Filing Papers With the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office [R-8]
502 Depositing Correspondence [R-8]
502.01 Correspondence Transmitted by Facsimile [R-8]
502.02 Correspondence Signature Requirements [R-8]
502.03 Communications via Internet Electronic Mail (e-mail)   [R-8]
502.04 Duplicate Copies of Correspondence
502.05 Correspondence Transmitted by EFS-Web [R-8]
503 Application Number and Filing Receipt [R-8]
504 Assignment of Application for Examination [R-8]
505 "Office Date" Stamp of Receipt [R-8]
506 Completeness of Original Application [R-8]
506.02 Review of Refusal To Accord Filing Date [R-8]
507 Drawing Review in the Office of Patent Application Processing [R-8]
508 Distribution
508.01 Papers Sent to Wrong Technology Center (TC)
508.02 Papers Received After Patenting or Abandonment
508.03 Unmatched Papers [R-8]
508.04 Unlocatable Patent or Application Files [R-8]
509 Payment of Fees [R-8]
509.01 Deposit Accounts [R-8]
509.02 Small Entity Status - Definitions [R-3]
509.03 Claiming Small Entity Status [R-8]
510 U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Business Hours [R-8]
511 Postal Service Interruptions and Emergencies [R-8]
512 Certificate of Mailing or Transmission [R-8]
513 Deposit as Express Mail with U.S. Postal Service [R-8]

500 Receipt and Handling of Mail and Papers

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