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707.07(a) Complete Action on Formal Matters [R-5] - 700 Examination of Applications

707.07(a) Complete Action on Formal Matters [R-5]

Forms are placed in informal applications listing informalities noted by the Draftsperson (form PTO-948) and the Office of Initial Patent Examination **. Each of these forms comprises an original for the file record and a copy to be mailed to applicant as a part of the examiner's first action. For Image File Wrapper (IFW) processing, see IFW Manual. They are specifically referred to as attachments to the action and are marked with its paper number. In every instance where these forms are to be used, they should be mailed with the examiner's first action, and any additional formal requirements which the examiner desires to make should be included in the first action.

When any formal requirement is made in an examiner's action, that action should, in all cases where it indicates allowable subject matter, call attention to 37 CFR 1.111(b) and state that a complete reply must either comply with all formal requirements or specifically traverse each requirement not complied with.


¶ 7.43.03 Allowable Subject Matter, Formal Requirements Outstanding

As allowable subject matter has been indicated, applicant's reply must either comply with all formal requirements or specifically traverse each requirement not complied with. See 37 CFR 1.111(b) and MPEP § 707.07(a).

Examiner Note

This form paragraph would be appropriate when changes (for example, drawing corrections or corrections to the specification) must be made prior to allowance.


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