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707.07(i) Each Claim To Be Mentioned in Each Office Action [R-3] - 700 Examination of Applications

707.07(i) Each Claim To Be Mentioned in Each Office Action [R-3]

In every Office action, each pending claim should be mentioned by number, and its treatment or status given. Since a claim retains its original numeral throughout the prosecution of the application, its history through successive actions is thus easily traceable. Each action should include a summary of the status of all claims presented for examination. Form PTO-326 "Office Action Summary" should be used.

Claims retained under 37 CFR 1.142 and claims retained under 37 CFR 1.146 should be treated as set out in MPEP § 821 to § **> 821.04(b)<.

See MPEP *> Chapter 2300< for treatment of claims in the application of losing party in interference.

The Index of Claims should be kept up to date as set forth in MPEP § 719.04. For Image File Wrapper (IFW) processing, see IFW Manual.

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