2300 Interference Proceedings

2300 Interference Proceedings
2301 Introduction [R-4]
2301.01 Statutory Basis [R-4]
2301.02 Definitions [R-4]
2301.03 Interfering Subject Matter [R-4]
2302 Consult an Interference Practice Specialist [R-4]
2303 Completion of Examination [R-4]
2303.01 Issuance and Suspension [R-4]
2303.02 Other Outstanding Issues with Patents [R-4]
2304 Suggesting an Interference [R-4]
2304.01 Preliminaries to Referring an Interference to the Board [R-4]
2304.01(a) Interference Search [R-4]
2304.01(b) Obtaining Control Over Involved Files [R-4]
2304.01(c) Translation of Foreign Benefit Application [R-4]
2304.01(d) Sorting Claims [R-4]
2304.02 Applicant Suggestion [R-4]
2304.02(a) Identifying the Other Application or Patent [R-4]
2304.02(b) Counts and Corresponding Claims [R-4]
2304.02(c) Explaining Priority [R-4]
2304.02(d) Adequate Written Description [R-4]
2304.03 Patentee Suggestion [R-4]
2304.04 Examiner Suggestion [R-4]
2304.04(a) Interfering Claim Already in Application [R-4]
2304.04(b) Requiring a Claim [R-4]
2304.05 Common Ownership [R-4]
2305 Requiring a Priority Showing [R-4]
2306 Secrecy Order Cases [R-4]
2307 Action During an Interference [R-4]
2307.01 Ex Parte Communications[R-4]
2307.02 Access to Related Files [R-4]
2307.03 Suspension of Related Examinations [R-4]
2307.04 Additional Parties to Interference [R-4]
2307.05 Board Action on Related Files [R-4]
2307.06 Action at the Board [R-4]
2308 Action After an Interference [R-4]
2308.01 Final Disposal of Claims [R-4]
2308.02 Added or Amended Claims [R-4]
2308.03 Estoppel Within the Office [R-4]
2308.03(a) Losing Party [R-4]
2308.03(b) No Interference-in-Fact [R-4]
2308.03(c) No Second Interference [R-4]
2309 National Aeronautics and Space Administration or Department of Energy [R-4]

2300 Interference Proceedings

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