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709.01 Overlapping Applications by Same Applicant or Owned by Same Assignee [R-3] - 700 Examination of Applications

709.01 Overlapping Applications by Same Applicant or Owned by Same Assignee [R-3]

Examiners should not consider ex parte, when raised by an applicant, questions which are pending before the Office in inter partes proceedings involving the same applicant. See Ex parte Jones, 1924 C.D. 59, 327 O.G. 681 (Comm'r Pat. 1924).

Because of this, where one of several applications of the same inventor which contain overlapping claims gets into an interference, it was formerly the practice to suspend action by the Office on the applications not in the interference in accordance with Ex parte McCormick, 1904 C.D. 575, 113 O.G. 2508 (Comm'r Pat 1924).

However, the better practice would appear to be to reject claims in an application related to another application in interference over the counts of the interference and in the event said claims are not canceled in the outside application, prosecution of said application should be suspended pending the final determination of priority in the interference. See MPEP *> Chapter 2300<.

If, on the other hand, applicant wishes to prosecute the outside application, and presents good reasons in support, prosecution should be continued. Ex parte Bullier, 1899 C.D. 155, 88 O.G. 1161 (Comm'r Pat 1899); In re Seebach, 88 F.2d 722, 33 USPQ 149 (CCPA 1937); In re Hammell, 332 F.2d 796, 141 USPQ 832 (CCPA 1964). See MPEP § 804.03.

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