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818.03(b) Must Elect, Even When Re-quirement Is Traversed [R-3] - 800 Restriction in Applications Filed Under 35 U.S.C. 111; Double Patenting

818.03(b) Must Elect, Even When Re-quirement Is Traversed [R-3]

As noted in the second sentence of 37 CFR 1.143, a provisional election must be made even though the requirement is traversed.

All requirements for restriction should include form paragraph 8.22.

¶ 8.22 Requirement for Election and Means for Traversal

Applicant is advised that the reply to this requirement to be complete must include (i) an election of a species or invention to be examined even though the requirement be traversed ( 37 CFR 1.143) and (ii) identification of the claims encompassing the elected invention.

The election of an invention or species may be made with or without traverse. To reserve a right to petition, the election must be made with traverse. If the reply does not distinctly and specifically point out supposed errors in the restriction requirement, the election shall be treated as an election without traverse.

Should applicant traverse on the ground that the inventions or species are not patentably distinct, applicant should submit evidence or identify such evidence now of record showing the inventions or species to be obvious variants or clearly admit on the record that this is the case. In either instance, if the examiner finds one of the inventions unpatentable over the prior art, the evidence or admission may be used in a rejection under 35 U.S.C.103(a) of the other invention.

Examiner Note

This form paragraph must be used in Office actions containing a restriction requirement with or without an action on the merits.

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