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821.02 After Election Without Traverse [R-3] - 800 Restriction in Applications Filed Under 35 U.S.C. 111; Double Patenting

821.02 After Election Without Traverse [R-3]

Where the initial requirement is not traversed, if adhered to, appropriate action should be given on the elected claims. Form paragraphs 8.25.01 or 8.25.02 should be used by the examiner to acknowledge the election without traverse.


¶ 8.25.01 Election Without Traverse

Applicant's election without traverse of [1] in the reply filed on [2] is acknowledged.

¶ 8.25.02 Election Without Traverse Based on Incomplete Reply

Applicant's election of [1] in the reply filed on [2] is acknowledged. Because applicant did not distinctly and specifically point out the supposed errors in the restriction requirement, the election has been treated as an election without traverse ( MPEP § 818.03(a)).


Claims to the nonelected invention should be treated by using form paragraph 8.06.


¶ 8.06 Claims Stand Withdrawn Without Traverse

Claim [1] withdrawn from further consideration pursuant to 37 CFR 1.142(b) as being drawn to a nonelected [2], there being no allowable generic or linking claim. Election was made without traverse in the reply filed on [3].

Examiner Note

In bracket 2, insert --invention--, or --species--.


This will show that applicant has not retained the right to petition from the requirement under 37 CFR 1.144.

Under these circumstances, when the application is otherwise ready for *>allowance<, the claims to the nonelected invention, *>except for claims directed to< nonelected species >and nonelected inventions eligible for rejoinder<, may be canceled by an examiner's amendment, and the application passed to issue.

**>See MPEP § 821.01 and § 821.04 et seq.

¶ 8.07 Ready for Allowance, Non-elected Claims Withdrawn Without Traverse

This application is in condition for allowance except for the presence of claim [1] directed to [2] nonelected without traverse. Accordingly, claim [3] been canceled.

Examiner Note

In bracket 2, insert --an invention--, --inventions--, --a species--, or --species--.


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