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1215.04 Dismissal of Appeal [R-8] - 1200 Appeal

1215.04 Dismissal of Appeal [R-8]

If no brief is filed within the time prescribed by 37 CFR 41.37, the appeal stands dismissed by operation of the rule. Form PTOL-461 ** notifying the appellant that the appeal stands dismissed is not an action in the case and does not start any period for reply. If no claims stand allowed, an application is considered as abandoned on the date the brief was due. If claims stand allowed in an application, the failure to file a brief and consequent dismissal of the appeal is to be treated as a withdrawal of the appeal and of any claim not standing allowed. The application should be passed to issue forthwith. Unless appellant specifically withdraws the appeal as to rejected claims, the appeal should not be dismissed until the extended period (5 months of extension are available under 37 CFR 1.136(a)) to file the brief has expired.

Applications having no allowed claims will be abandoned. Claims which are allowable except for their dependency from rejected claims will be treated as if they were rejected. The following examples illustrate the appropriate approach to be taken by the examiner in various situations:

(A) Claim 1 is allowed; claims 2 and 3 are rejected. The examiner should cancel claims 2 and 3 and issue the application with claim 1 only.

(B) Claims 1 - 3 are rejected. The examiner should hold the application abandoned.

(C) Claim 1 is rejected and claim 2 is objected to as being allowable except for its dependency from claim 1. The examiner should hold the application abandoned.

(D) Claim 1 is rejected and claim 2 is objected to as being allowable except for its dependency from claim 1; independent claim 3 is allowed. The examiner should cancel claims 1 and 2 and issue the application with claim 3 only.

However, if formal matters remain to be attended to, the examiner should take appropriate action on such matters**>. For example (1) the examiner may handle the formal matters by examiner's amendment (see MPEP § 1302.04) or (2) the examiner may use form paragraph 12.109.01 to describe the formal matters that applicant is required to correct and set a shortened period for reply. Note that further prosecution on the application or reexamination proceeding is closed except as to such formal matters.<


¶ 12.109.01 Appeal Dismissed - Allowed Claims, Formal Matters Remaining

In view of applicant's failure to file a brief within the time prescribed by 37 CFR 41.37(a)(1), the appeal stands dismissed and the proceedings as to the rejected claims are considered terminated. See 37 CFR 1.197(b).

This application will be passed to issue on allowed claim [1] provided the following formal matters are corrected. Prosecution is otherwise closed.


Applicant is required to make the necessary corrections within a shortened statutory period set to expire ONE MONTH or THIRTY DAYS, whichever is longer, from the mailing date of this letter to avoid ABANDONMENT of the application. Extensions of time may be granted under 37 CFR 1.136.

Examiner Note:

1. This form paragraph should only be used if the formal matters cannot be handled by examiner's amendment. See MPEP § 1215.04.

2. In bracket 2, insert a description of the formal matters to be corrected.

3. Claims which have been indicated as containing allowable subject matter but are objected to as being dependent upon a rejected claim are to be considered as if they were rejected. See MPEP § 1215.04.


An appeal will also be dismissed if an applicant fails to timely and fully reply to a notice of noncompliance with 37 CFR 41.37(d). See MPEP § 1205.03 and  37 CFR 41.37(d). As in examples (B)-(C) above, if no allowed claims remain in an application, the application is abandoned as of the date the reply to the notice was due. The applicant may petition to revive the application as in other cases of abandonment, and to reinstate the appeal. If the appeal is dismissed, but allowed claims remain in the application, as in examples (A) and (D) above, the application is not abandoned; to reinstate the claims cancelled by the examiner because of the dismissal, the applicant must petition to reinstate the claims and the appeal, but a showing equivalent to a petition to revive under 37 CFR 1.137 is required. In either event, a proper reply to the notice of noncompliance must be filed before the petition will be considered on its merits.

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