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1876.01 Request for Rectification and Notification of Action Thereon [R-6] - 1800 Patent Cooperation Treaty

1876.01 Request for Rectification and Notification of Action Thereon [R-6]


The rectification of obvious *>mistakes< is governed by **>PCT Rule 91. PCT Administrative Instructions Section 325 provides instructions for the processing of rectifications of obvious mistakes by the receiving Office; PCT Administrative Instructions Sections 413 and 413bis provide instructions for the processing of rectifications of obvious mistakes by the International Bureau; PCT Administrative Instructions Section 511 provide s instructions for the processing of rectifications of obvious mistakes by the International Searching Authority; and PCT Administrative Instructions Section 607 provides instructions for the processing of rectifications of obvious mistakes by the International Preliminary Examining Authority.<



If the applicant requests **>rectification of any obvious mistakes in the description, claims, or drawings, or in a correction thereon, or in an amendment under Article 19 or 34, the International Preliminary Examining Authority should notify applicant whether the rectification is authorized or refused using Form PCT/IPEA/412. Any rectification offered to the international preliminary examining authority must be in the form of< a replacement sheet embodying the rectification and the letter accompanying the replacement sheet must draw attention to the differences between the replaced sheet and the replacement sheet.

**>The examiner, after fully considering applicant's request for rectification of an obvious mistake,< will notify applicant of the action taken on Form PCT/IPEA/412. Since the space provided is limited, supplemental sheet(s) should be incorporated whenever necessary.


Form PCT/IPEA/412 must be signed by an examiner having at least partial signatory authority.

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