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1876 Notation of Errors and Informalities by the Examiner [R-6] - 1800 Patent Cooperation Treaty

1876 Notation of Errors and Informalities by the Examiner [R-6]

PCT Administrative Instructions Section 607
**>Rectifications of Obvious Mistakes under Rule 91

Where the International Preliminary Examining Authority authorizes a rectification of an obvious mistake under Rule 91, Section 602(a)(i) to (iii) and (b) shall apply mutatis mutandis, provided that, where a sheet is marked as indicated in Section 602, the words "RECTIFIED SHEET (RULE 91)" shall be used.<

Although the examiner is not responsible for discovering *>mistakes< in the international application, if any *>mistakes< come to the attention of the examiner, they may be noted and called to the applicant's attention. The examiner may invite applicant to rectify obvious *>mistakes< using Form PCT/IPEA/411. *>Mistakes< that are not obvious may be called to applicant's attention in Box VII of PCT/IPEA/408.


Form PCT/IPEA/408 and Form PCT/IPEA/411 must be signed by an examiner having at least partial signatory authority.

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