2600 Optional Inter Partes Reexamination

2600 Optional Inter Partes Reexamination
2601 Introduction [Added R-2]
2601.01 Flowcharts [R-5]
2602 Citation of Prior Art [R-7]
2609 Inter PartesReexamination [R-7]
2610 Request for Inter Partes Reexamination [R-7]
2611 Time for Requesting Inter Partes Reexamination [R-7]
2612 Persons Who May File a Request [R-7]
2613 Representative of Requester [R-7]
2614 Content of Request for Inter Partes Reexamination [R-7]
2615 Fee for Requesting Inter Partes Reexamination [R-5]
2616 Substantial New Question of Patentability [R-7]
2617 Statement in the Request Applying Prior Art [R-7]
2618 Copies of Prior Art (Patents and Printed Publications) [R-7]
2619 Copy of Printed Patent [Added R-2]
2620 Certificate of Service [R-7]
2622 Address of Patent Owner [R-7]
2623 Withdrawal of Attorney or Agent [R-7]
2624 Correspondence [R-7]
2625 Untimely Paper Filed Prior to First Office Action [R-7]
2626 Initial Processing of Request for Inter Partes Reexamination [Added R-2]
2627 Incomplete Request for Inter Partes Reexamination [R-7]
2629 Notice of Request for Inter Partes Reexamination in Official Gazette [R-7]
2630 Constructive Notice to Patent Owner [Added R-2]
2631 Processing of Request Corrections [R-5]
2632 Public Access [R-7]
2632.01 Determining If a Reexamination Request Was Filed for a Patent [R-7]
2633 Workflow [R-7]
2634 Fee Processing and Procedure [R-5]
2635 Record Systems [R-7]
2636 Assignment of Reexamination [R-7]
2637 Transfer Procedure [R-7]
2638 Time Reporting [R-7]
2640 Decision on Request [R-7]
2641 Time for Deciding Request [R-7]
2642 Criteria for Deciding Request [R-7]
2643 Claims Considered in Deciding Request [R-7]
2644 Prior Art on Which the Determination Is Based [Added R-2]
2646 Decision Ordering Reexamination [R-7]
2647 Decision Denying Reexamination [R-7]
2647.01 Examples of Decisions on Requests [R-7]
2647.02 Processing of Decision [R-7]
2648 Petition From Denial of Request [R-7]
2654 Conduct of Inter Partes Reexamination Proceedings [Added R-2]
2655 Who Reexamines [R-5]
2656 Prior Art Patents and Printed Publications Reviewed by Examiner in Reexamination [R-7]
2657 Listing of Prior Art [R-7]
2658 Scope of Inter Partes Reexamination  [R-7]
2659 Res Judicata and Collateral Estoppel in Reexamination Proceedings [Added R-2]
2660 First Office Action [R-7]
2660.02 The Title [R-3]
2660.03 Dependent Claims [Added R-2]
2661 Special Status for Action [Added R-2]
2662 Time for Response and Comments [R-5]
2664 Mailing of Office Action [R-7]
2665 Extension of Time for Patent Owner Response [R-5]
2666 Patent Owner Response to Office Action [R-7]
2666.01 Amendment by Patent Owner [R-7]
2666.02 Correction of Patent Drawings [Added R-2]
2666.03 Correction of Inventorship [Added R-2]
2666.04 Fees for Adding Claims [R-7]
2666.05 Third Party Comments After Patent Owner Response [R-7]
2666.06 Service of Papers [R-7]
2666.10 Patent Owner Does Not Respond to Office Action [R-7]
2666.20 Third Party Does Not Comment After Patent Owner Response [R-3]
2666.30 Submission Not Fully Responsive to Non-final Office Action [R-3]
2666.40 Patent Owner Completion of Response and Third Party Comments Thereon [R-3]
2666.50 Examiner Issues Notice of Defective Paper in Inter Partes Reexamination [R-5]
2666.60 Response by Patent Owner/Third Party to Notice of Defective Paper [R-3]
2667 Handling of Inappropriate or Untimely Filed Papers [R-7]
2668 Petition for Entry of Late Papers for Revival of Reexamination Proceeding [R-7]
2670 Clerical Handling [R-7]
2671 Examiner Action Following Response/Comments or Expiration of Time for Same [R-7]
2671.01 Examiner Issues Action on Merits That Does Not Close Prosecution [R-7]
2671.02 Examiner Issues Action Closing Prosecution (ACP) [R-7]
2671.03 Panel Review [R-5]
2672 Patent Owner Comments/Amendment After ACP and Third Party Requester Responsive Comments [R-7]
2673 Examiner Consideration of Submissions After ACP and Further Action [Added R-2]
2673.01 Reopening Prosecution After ACP [Added R-2]
2673.02 Examiner Issues Right of Appeal Notice (RAN) [R-7]
2674 Appeal in Reexamination [R-3]
2674.01 Cross Appeal After Original Appeal [R-3]
2675 Appellant Brief [R-5]
2675.01 Respondent Brief [R-5]
2675.02 Informalities in One or More of the Briefs [R-3]
2676 Appeal Conference [R-7]
2677 Examiner's Answer [R-7]
2678 Rebuttal Briefs [R-3]
2679 Office Treatment of Rebuttal Brief [R-5]
2680 Oral Hearing [R-3]
2681 Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences Decision [R-3]
2682 Action Following Decision [R-5]
2683 Appeal to Courts [R-3]
2684 Information Material to Patentability in Reexamination Proceeding [Added R-2]
2685 No Interviews on Merits in Inter Partes Reexamination Proceedings [R-7]
2686 Notification of Existence of Prior or Concurrent Proceedings and Decisions Thereon [R-7]
2686.01 Multiple Copending Reexamination Proceedings [R-7]
2686.02 Copending Reexamination and Interference Proceedings [R-3]
2686.03 Copending Reexamination and Reissue Proceedings [R-7]
2686.04 Reexamination and Litigation Proceedings [R-7]
2687 Notice of Intent to Issue Inter Partes Reexamination Certificate (NIRC) and Conclusion of Reexamination Proceeding [R-7]
2687.01 Examiner Consideration of Submissions After NIRC [R-7]
2688 Issuance of Inter Partes Reexamination Certificate [R-7]
2689 Reexamination Review [R-7]
2690 Format of Inter Partes Reexamination Certificate [R-3]
2691 Notice of Inter Partes Reexamination Certificate Issuance in Official Gazette [R-3]
2692 Distribution of Certificate [R-3]
2693 Intervening Rights [Added R-2]
2694 Concluded Reexamination Proceedings [R-7]
2695 Reexamination of a Reexamination [Added R-2]
2696 USPTO Forms To Be Used in Inter Partes Reexamination [R-3]

2600 Optional Inter Partes Reexamination

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