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§ 411 Receipt of Priority Document - Appendix AI Administrative Instructions Under the PCT

§ 411 Receipt of Priority Document

(a) The International Bureau shall, in respect of any priority document received by it, record the date on which the priority document has been received by it, and notify the applicant and the designated Offices accordingly. The notification should indicate whether the priority document was or was not submitted or transmitted in compliance with Rule 17.1(a) or (b), and with respect to the designated Offices, should preferably be made together with the notification under Rule 47.1(a-bis).

(b) Where the priority document has been submitted or transmitted but not in compliance with Rule 17.1(a) or (b), the International Bureau shall, in the notification under paragraph (a) of this Section, direct the attention of the applicant and the designated Offices to the provisions of Rule 17.1(c).

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