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- Appendix AI Administrative Instructions Under the PCT

Subsequently Furnished Sequence Listing

37. Any sequence listing which is not contained in the application as filed but which is furnished subsequently shall not go beyond the disclosure in the application as filed and shall be accompanied by a statement to that effect. This means that a sequence listing furnished subsequently to the filing of the application shall contain only those sequences that were disclosed in the application as filed.

38. Any sequence listing not contained in the application as filed does not form part of the application. However, the provisions of PCT Rules 13ter, 26.3, and 91 and PCT Article 34 would apply, so that it may be possible, subject to the applicable provisions, for a sequence listing contained in the application as filed to be corrected under PCT Rules 13ter or 26.3, rectified under PCT Rule 91 (in the case of an obvious error), or amended under PCT Article 34, or for a sequence listing to be submitted under PCT Article 34 as an amendment to the application.

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